Chapter Eleven

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Jacob's POV

It was the end of the day and I was ready to go home. I really wanted to see Ethan, I missed him like crazy. The final bell rang and I was walking past Ethan's locker when Gabe turned around and looked at me, "hey you, I'm taking you home so meet me at my car in ten, k?" I nodded and walked to my locker, getting my things and walking to his car. When I got out him and Zac were already in the car. I got in and closed the door, and then I saw a phone I haven't seen before? 

"Whose phone is that?" I asked.

"Oh, that's my new phone," Gabe said, "speaking of, I lost everyone's number because I... kinda lost my other phone."

"How did you lose it?" I asked, looking at him. 

"It fell out of my pocket and into the water while Zac and I were standing on the bridge downtown..." he said, looking at Zac how just chuckled. 

"So my mom got him a new phone," Zac said, grabbing Gabe's hand.

"Take it and put your number in," he said, letting go of Zac's hand, making him whine, grabbing his phone and handing it to me.

"Kk," I said, unlocking it and going to contacts. "You already have my mom's number?" I asked.

"Yeah, she gave it to me this morning," he said, pulling out of his parking spot and driving away from the high school. 

"Oh yeah, why did you want to talk to her anyway?" I asked, putting my number into his phone. 

"Oh nothing, I was just telling her something," he said, looking at me from the mirror. I nodded and starting going through his phone. 

"So when did you get this phone?" I asked, looking what games he has. 

"I just got it a couple days ago," he said, taking Zac's hand again.

I clicked on his photos and my eyes went wide eyed, then I stopped so he wouldn't notice. He already has nudes on here. Of him and pictures he has taken of Zac. Wow... Snap out of it Jacob! You have a boyfriend. I closed the app and clicked the home button twice, a screen that shows all the visited apps and closed the photo one, so he can't tell that I've seen them. Then I locked it and sat it where it was. 

We got to my house and I ran inside, forgetting my bag and Zac had to bring it in for me. I ran upstairs and opened my bedroom door, smiling at Ethan who looked at me from looking at the TV, "yay you're home!" He yelled, trying to stand up.

"Stop stop stop," I said, going to him and sitting him back down on my bed, sitting next to him and hugging him. "Miss me?"

"Why would you even ask me that? Now shut your mouth and put them on mine," he said. I smiled and kissed him. 

"Ready for that shower I promised?" I asked. He nodded and I stood up, giving him his crotches, grabbing one of the bags that the doctor gave us and put it on his leg carefully, then helping him up and into my mom's room, "hey mom? Could we use your bathroom? Ethan wants to take a shower and my shower isn't big enough to put a chair in so he can sit in." 

"Are you taking a shower with him?" She asked. I nodded and she sighed, closing her book. "Alright, I guess I'll go downstairs," she said. She left and I help him into her bathroom. 

"Alright, stand right here," I said, leading him to the toilet, putting the seat down. I undid his pants and pulled both his pants and his underwear down to his ankles, then sitting him on the toilet, putting his crotches in the corner then getting down, and carefully took his pants off over his cast. "I'll be right back," I said, running downstairs and getting a chair, taking it back up and putting it into the shower. I looked at Ethan who had token off his shirt. 

"How are we going to do this?" He asked, looking at me while I undid my pants.

"You're going to sit on the chair and I'll wash you," I said. He chuckled and nodded. Then I helped him into the shower, letting him use my body to keep himself up, then sat him down in the chair. I took off all my clothes and got in. 

Ethan's POV

I watched as Jacob turned on the water, his back to me. I bit my lip as I looked down his back and locked my eyes on his bum. I miss that butt... I know that sounds a bit weird but I do... He turned the water on and grabbed the shower that that came off the wall, turning to me. He sprayed me and I jumped. "Hey! Cold!" I said. He just smiled and warmed it up a bit and sprayed one his arm. 

"There," he said, spraying me again, "better?" I nodded and he started spraying me, getting my hair wet and everything else. "Hold this," he said, I did and he grabbed the shampoo, putting some of it in my hair and grabbing the thing again, rinsing it out then giving me it again, to put the conditioner in my hair, then grabbing the body wash and a sponge. He put some on it and put the sponge on my chest and rubbing it around. At first it was cold but I got used to it. I looked up at him and smirked at his face, it was blink. Like... I don't know. He looked at me and our eyes locked. In his eyes was love, and it was all for me. 

I smiled again, and he pressed his lips onto mine, softly sitting on my lap, trying not to put all his weight onto my thighs. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed back, letting his tongue go into my mouth. Then I felt something on my abs, I broke our kiss and looked down and saw that his member was growing. I looked back up to him and smirked. 

James' POV

I was sitting on the coach after getting home from school, watching TV when Jacob's mom came down. "Hey there," she said, sitting next to me. 

"Why are you down here? This is your usual reading time," I said, looking at her.

"The boys are taking a shower in my room," she said, looking at the TV.

"Oh," I said, looking back to the TV. Her phone rang and she looked at it.

"Hi there Gabe, one second," she said, looking at me, "hey Hun, why don't you go upstairs and watch TV in Jacob's room for a second," I nodded and walked upstairs.

When I walked back her room I heard a faint noise coming from it. I pressed my ear against it and it was Jacob moaning... Yep, didn't need to hear that. I walked to Jacob's room and sat on his bed, turning to TV to the channel I wanted sense it was already on. I got a text and looked at my phone. It was my sister. I haven't really been close to my sister, my family doesn't really like me at all. So I didn't respond. 

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