Chapter Eighteen

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Jacob's POV

"James come here," I said, waving to him to come to me. He did and sat down on the kitchen table in front of me, "alright, you need to tell me the dets on this guy."

He sighed, "well, his name is Jason, I don't know if you knew that already or not, he's been over here before. I don't know if you were home though. Anyway, his name is Jason and we've been talking for a while and he has been giving me hints that he wanted to date me and I've been giving him hints that I wanted to date him too but neither of us would do anything, and I guess he just did."

"Oh really? How did you guys meet?" I asked. 

"Facebook, and he goes to your school and next year I'll be able to go too so yeah," he said, smiling.

"What grade is he going into?" I asked, putting an eyebrow up, I have never seen this kid.

"He's going into 12th," he said. So he's in Gabe and Zac's grade. Maybe they'll know him. 

"Alright, well tell me more about him," I said, smiling.

"Well, he likes to play video games, and he likes to spend times with his friends, his favorite color is the same as mine, green. He has two dogs, and two fish, the fishes names are Shaggy and Scooby and I don't know what his dogs names are. His parents are divorced  he has a younger brother and an older sister that is off at college. He knows how to make me smile even when I don't want to, and I like him, a lot," he said, blushing.

"Awww," I said, smiling brightly.

"Shut up," he said, "I have a question... Why didn't you freak out when you saw that and found out that I'm gay?"

"Well, firstly, I'm gay myself so I obviously don't have a problem with it and truthfully I've known for a while now," I said, chuckling at his face, "I had to use your laptop once and saw your web history."

"Oh... Yeah, I really need to delete that," he said, blushing. 

"Yeah, just a little," I said, chuckling. That's when Ethan walked in and went to the fridge, grabbing some orange juice and pouring it into a glass and turned around and looked at us. 

"What you two talking 'bout?" He asked.

"Oh nothing, just was asking him about this Jason guy," I said, standing up and going to hug him.

"Oh," he said, hugging me back. He sat down and looked at James, "well, tell me about him."

James sighed, "well-"

Gabe's POV

Zac and I were laying on my bed, cuddling, when we heard my dad walk into the house, "shit..." I said, getting up quickly and threw Zac his clothes and we both got dressed right in time because my dad opened the door.

"Ugh, you're little fuck toy is here," he said, leaning on the door frame, a beer in his hand. 

"He's my boyfriend, not a fuck toy," I said, fixing my shirt.

"Your mother is my fuck toy," he said, chuckling.

"Ok, I didn't need to know that. Zac, why don't we go get something to eat?" I asked, waiting until Zac got and grabbed my keys and started walking out of my bedroom but my dad hit me in the chest, pushing me back.

"I don't know where you think you're goin'," he said, almost falling back. 

"I'm going out to eat," I said. He shook his head but before he could say anything else he fell back onto the floor, unconscious. I just sighed and walked past him, grabbing Zac's hand and walking out to my car. "Where do you wanna go?"

"I don't care, but I kinda want some Starbucks," he said, looking out of his window.

"Alright," I said, driving to Starbucks and parking, getting out and letting him out. We walked in and I ordered, we waited, and when he got our order we sat down at one of the tables. I watched Zac as he drank his drink. 

"What?" He asked, smiling.

"Nothing, you're just perfect," I said, taking a drink out of my cup.

He blushed, "no I'm not."

I nodded, "yes you are, and truthfully I'm glad that I'm your boyfriend because if I wasn't I would probably be planning on how I could kill your boyfriend."

"Oh..." He said, looking down.

"I'm just kidding!" I said, chuckling as he sighed and nodded. 

"Good, that kind of scared me. Just a bit," he said, giggling.

I chuckled and took another drink. Honestly... I would probably be doing just that... "I'm just feeling lucky that I'm the one that can..." I looked over at a mother with a little boy, "you know..."

He chuckled and nodded, "yes you are," he said, winking.

"So where do you wanna go to eat after this?" I asked.

"You paying?" He asked, chuckling.

"Of course, like always," I said, smiling. I don't really care about buying stuff him, I love buying things for him.

"Well, I don't know, I like Steak 'n Shake," he said, smirking.

"K, Steak 'n Shake it is," I said, getting out and walking out with him. 

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