Night Fight

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I can't move. I just stare at those far lights while the night breeze moves my brown wavy hair. A memory flashes in my mind like a firework. The noise of shoots is closer and closer and then an explosion. Fire and flames and a broken girl. I force myslef to return to reality and push that memory away.

"Are they coming here?" I ask weakly.

But no answer comes. I turn around to find that I'm alone on the hill. After a little moment of panic I run back inside the base and see that Optimus has summoned all his Autobots. Cade runs to me.

"Oh, here you are" he says with a worried tone "You must stay hidden here, clear? A possible deathly battle is about to happen."

"What? No! I want to come!"

"You stay here, I said!"

"You are no one to give me orders!" I raise my voice gaining a frustrated look.

"PRIME!" he calls out loud and I almost boggle.

Optimus approaches us while the Autobots exit and transform.

"You tell the girl she's staying here, she won't listen to me."

I raise my gaze on Optimus and I let rage transpire.

"It's too dangerous. You stay at the base" he says seriously and his tone doesn't allow replies.

Can I retort? Of course I can't, that's Optimus Damn Prime. I just cross my arms and look at him in a quite challenging way. Looking satisfied, he turns around and joins the others outside. Cade looks at me one last time.

"You lose your words in front of him, don't you?" he smirks and goes out.

What did he just say? I would like to yell something back at him but I just have nothing to say. I simply let out a frustrating sigh as the main doors close and I'm about to return to my room when I suddenly hear some hasty mechanical noises.

I turn around in time to see Sideswipe and Sunstreaker arriving from a corridor.

"Where's everyone? Are we late?" Sideswipe asks.

Now is my time to smirk while a mischievous smile takes form on my lips.

"Oh no, you guys are perfectly in time" I say and they both look curiosuly at me. "They just got out, the Decepticons are coming, we must hurry up!"

"Well well, something fun is about to happen!" Sunstreaker exclaims as we get out.

"Oh, you can count on it" I agree. "Who carries me?"

"Come with me, lady, I'm the best" Sideswipe invites and I just let out a small laugh while he transforms into a red car and I get inside.

The engine starts and we fastly reach the others. I have never been in such a fast car. As soon as I recognize the Autobots' alter modes I lower behind the dashboard.

"Are you hiding?" the radio asks with a surprised tone.

"Uhm... let's say I shouldn't exactly be here."

"Let me guess, Prime's orders?"

"Kind of" I say, worried that he could bring me back to the base.

"Ah! I do so love breaking the rules!" he exclaims proudly and I feel incredibly relieved.

These Terror Twins can be very useful at times, I think.

The street is dark, occasionally enlightened by street lamps, and surrounded by a creepy forest. We keep moving forward until we suddenly stop.

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