Falling into an endless pit of too much knowledge

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Before u guys kill me and I go to heaven instead of hell, I want to go to hell! You won't understand but anyways no spoilers but Gruvia and Nalu WILL happen happen at the end!!! Also, FORGET ANYTHING FLIRTATIOUS HAPPENED BETWEEN ZEREF AND THE GIRLS!!!!! Gruvia and Nalu will happen!!!!!


Juvia and Lucy woke up that morning, excited for their training to come. They dressed up mostly in black. Lucy wore a short black skirt with long boots that went up to her knees, her hair was tied up in a really high pony tail. She was wearing a crop top with it. Juvia was wearing tip less gloves, long blue jeans, and a Everlast tank top. She tied up her hair identical to Lucy's. The two mages walked out of their tent to the space they met Zeref. They waited for a while but when they saw no sign of their trainer Lucy started walking back.
"Hey Juvia! Zeref left us a trail to follow!" Lucy shouted to her friend when she noticed a strange line of rocks leading one way. "Lucy-San how do you know that this is what we have to follow? Or if this is even a trail?" Juvia doubted but continued walking with Lucy into the woods. "Look ahead Juvia" Lucy said as she pushed branches aside. "Eh? Oh Zeref-Kun!" Juvia said when she saw where Lucy was pointing to. The two walked over to Zeref with professional looks. "Shall we begin?" Zeref said with an innocent smile. It was impossible to believe he could be a wizard so dark when he flashes you that smile is what most thought. "Yes!" They said in Union.
"Lucy, Juvia, this is Tyron Karuta and
Isaiah Nasuko. They will be training with you two." Was all Zeref said. He did not bother to explain.
*Lucy POV*
"Pleasure to meet you two" The guys said looking gentle men like. After one second they started laughing their heads off. Juvia and I swear dropped. "Okay, okay you two. Quit acting like babies." Zeref said. Zeref didn't seem threatening, scary or evil at all. He looked just like a normal teenager, that was suffering, and mistaken. I know how that feels...people always think I'm a spoilt brat, a blonde bimbo...but there's so many layers to me. "These two don't know what's going on or why they're here, and the two of you obviously don't have enough brains to tell them what's going on so at least be quite." Zeref told them annoyed. Tyron and Isaiah reminded me of Natsu, Sting and Gray. Tyron had blonde hair and really pale skin like sting and his behaviour was just like Sting and Natsu's...idiotic. Isaiah on the other hand was a perfect blend of Natsu and Gray. He had Straight yet spiky black hair, a toothy grin, tanned skin and a mysterious yet jovial behaviour. I bet this was confusing to Juvia as well.

"Lucy, Juvia, listen very carefully now." Zeref told us. We nodded eagerly.

"You four are the 'Tetra eclipse', your eclipse powers are not yet awoken as I have contained them.  Lucy is a celestial wizard which has much to do with space and stars. Our sun, is also a star. Juvia, you are a water Mage and the moon has affect on the waters gravitation pull, (A/N: I'm just going by what I remember from class the facts might be only half or messed up..hehe)
This makes the moon and water related. Juvia can't control the moon but the moon can control Juvia, so you will find strange stuff happening at full moon. You won't turn into a wear wolf but strange stuff will happen. Lucy can control the sun, so Lucy's mood or intention affects the sun. When the moon comes infront of the sun and blocks the light, it is called a lunar eclipse and similar for solar but in a different way involving reflection. At the next eclipse you for will discover tremendous power and more. But, you must always stick together as you will be the strongest together. I will train you but your power depends on your partner and team's support and unity."


"Excuse me what the heck did u just say?" Juvia said wrinkling her eyebrows. "No, I heard what you said I just can't take all of this and process it in one second, I SHOULDVE KNOWN THIS A LONG TIME AGO!" She snapped when Zeref opened his mouth to speak. I stood there gaping. " I don't know what's more surprising, what Zeref just said or the fact that Juvia spoke in first person without intention or purpose." I said slowly with an unsettled voice...

She's right though....What just happened?!

Did u guys like it? I know u did. Like I said nothing happened between them and Zeref b4 everyone forgot about it...no one cares anymore
Lucy: Cares about what?
Juvia: How did Curry chan make Juvia speak in third person?! Curry chan is amazing
Author: Well...I don't mean to brag but uh-
Lucy: You have no time and the readers don't wanna read this so end it stupid cat!
Author: I'm not happy tho!
Lucy: I know who plays which character in your friends! You're Juvia and Happy! Now get this over with.
Author shivering in fear: Aye!...I mean b-bye! I mean -
*Lucy takes author and duct tapes her mouth*
Juvia*sweatdrop* : Hehe well. Juvia thinks reader chan should follow, vote, comment and SHARE PRETTY PLEASE BECAUSE JUVIA WANTS EVERYONE TO READ THIS AWESOME FAN FIC MADE BY THE MOST AWESOME TERRIFIC AUTHOR EVER!

So share won't you?

I flattered my self too much using Juvia? I think not. Anyways as she said vote, comment and SHARE.

-Curry Chan <3

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