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I have no idea why I spelt it that way but oh well...
Magique awaits us...aka Lucy and Juves are learning new magic:

*Juvias POV*

Another day. I believe today is stage....3? Or 2? I have no idea. Zeref spoke so quickly I barely understood. All I know is today, I'll be coming back to this cabin as a new Juvia with new magic and a new identity. Yea that's right, I wasn't joking about changing my name. After training, Luce and I are going down to the magic council to register our names. (I had no idea where they'd go for that so magic council it is!) I'm thinking something different but I want it to start with J. Jazz. Yeah that's it! Jazz. Well, time to change into my leather crop top, with ankle length boots and jeans with a belt with the letters "G" and "J" E carved into the metal ring. My last day as Juvia. May aswell look like it.

*Lucy's POV*
After Juvia and I got changed she told me about her plans to change her name as we had discussed before. I like the name Jazz for her but I don't know what mine should be.
We have started training. This time we're learning our new magic. And our dragon slayers are teaching us the spells. "So remind me how you know these? You're a dragon slayer." I told Tyron. His grin before had faded into a frown. "You weren't the first Lucy." Tyron said as he positioned my hand towards the sky and improved my posture. "Huh?" Said Juvia infront of me who had Isaiah doing the same.
"We had eclipse sisters before you." Isaiah explained. "What happened why are we...?" I questioned. "Acnologia." Was all Tyron said. "....I'm sorry." Said Juvia. "No, don't be, no need to be sorry for yourself." Tyron told her. "Sorry for our selves? What?" I asked confused. "This might come as a shocker two just so happen to be their reincarnations. "What?!" Juvia and I exclaimed in sync. We didn't need to ask more, it was clear no doubt. "...what were their names?" I asked. Isaiah smiled. " You know how Juvia wants to change her name to Jazz?" He asked, I nodded slowly. "Where do you think that came from?" He asked grinning. Juvia gaped in shock. " Really?! I had no idea! When I thought of the words 'my name' it just came to me. I didn't know that was my name before! This is so cool!" She exclaimed. Then her smile dimmed and her wide eyes focused on the space above her open palm. "Lunar slicer!" Her voice echoes the woods. A white-ish grey liquid shot out of her palm in the shape of a boomerang and cut the branch above her. "Woah! That's powerful!" Isaiah said surprised. "I was an S-class wizard for phantom lord" Juvia smirked. "So what was that? Water slicer?" I asked. "Yep, but with the lunar magic Isaiah taught me. It's like your Lucy kick but with regulas" Juvia explained. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen loke for months! I bought my hand down from its positioned and reached for my key, "Open, gate of the lion, LEO!" I chanted and Leo was before me. Oops I forgot the star dress. So I re-did the spell and Loke came back and I was in my star dress. "Now." I said sounding a bit tired just a bit.
"Solar regulas kick!" I shouted and before my heels touched my aimed tree, it fell dead. "Huh? But I didn't even touch it." I cried. "Bravo!" Juvia shouted. "Yosh! Luce, that was tremendous power!" Tyron said. "But that was barely any action!" I cried again. "Aish! It was force of impact, you came towards it so strong with all your powers combined it fell dead due to impact of the air." Isaiah said matter of factly. I swear dropped. "But anyways, what was my name?" I asked.

"It was...Elise."

I repeated the name in my head until it Sunk in.
After we finished our training, We all went down to the MC to change Mine and Juvia's name. We did as we planned then hours later went for ice cream.

I found out this chapter didn't completely save and I published it....oops so I basically summarised the resent of the chapter. Nothing much happened anyways, next chapter is time skip! Yay! Back to Fairy Tail!!

...I'm probs more excited than y'all....

Anywho, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

-Author Chan

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