Falling for a merciless prank

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That's right I'm going back to da fallings! Ps. Don't skip dese cuz dey id important!!!😂


*Juvia's POV*

Okay, so when we left the ice cream place, I was surprised at their calm reaction. But right now, all that was important for me was the revenge Elise and I had planned for Tyron and Isaiah.

....We don't have a solid reason so we can't exactly call it revenge but I guess you could call it a merciless plan. Over the year, we had created an unbreakable bond with the two guys, so we know exactly what their weak spot is. Well its not a weak spot...its us. Once Lucy caught a terrible cold in the winter and she couldn't even train! They decided to stay in and take care of Lucy! Tyron even made soup....which got her feeling worse...but its the thoughts that count.

Anyways, they knew that would get them into extra workout and it did. 2  days of continuous running for 12 hours and the rest push ups. So if they can do all that for Lucy's health just because they care so much...

Let's just say this is going to be a fun night.


*Lucy's POV*

Jazz and my plan is going great so far. We close down all doors and lock up as usual. Cook dinner and the guys are showering.

This is where the plan begins.

Once we check that they are in their bathrooms and not outside, we tip tooed to the kitchen.

Jazz opens the cupboard under the sink and grabs a cover. She hands me the anti-stain pray that came with the fake blood inside, yeah that's right, we're going to pretend that Jazz got murdered.

We plan her position on the marble floor and I spray the anti-paint liquid. Since she was...well still is a water mage, she can just go to waterbody and the knife will go straight though her and the guys wont see a difference in molecule form. We are geniuses.

The whole thing was set up. I tied my hair into a messy bun to make it look like something bad happened and used makeup to fake a cut and a bruise, I'm sorry Isaiah and Tyron, i have no idea why we're pranking you but this is going to be fun. Think of it as a small way of revenge for teasing me and Jazz.

Juvia lied down in her position and I crouched down next to her leaning my back against the wall placing my hands on my eyes.

"They're coming" I whisper to Juvia and the games begin!

"Hey Lise? Where's Ja—JAZZ!" Tyron screams.He runs up to us and crouches down next to Jazz taking her wrist and checking her heartbeat. No worries, she is water after all, he won't feel a thing.

"She's not breathing, ISAIAH!" Tyron pants. "What" Isaiah says lazily and walks into the room. As soon as he sees the scene he does the same as Tyron.

Tyron's pupils blur up. Wait....is he....crying? Tyron doesn't cry! Tyron never cries! Tyron is not familiar with the word crying! How?! Isaiah squeezes me into a hug and I stare with a blank face.

...This has gone too far.

"Jazz, it's gone too far let's just retreat." I tell her softly. She gets up stiffly like she'd been covered in slime or mud.
The look on their faces. It was a jaw drop that turned into a rejoicing grin and they soon cheered, tears rolling down their faces. They instantly pull us into a hug....a really tight one....

"Don't ever play a prank like that...ever!" Tyron cries into my back.
"We're sorry." Jazz says in a warm voice

After the mood had lightened, Jazz cooked the tastiest fried rice and Lise made the best grilled chicken wings.

"Bon appetite!" Jazz says placing the bowl of rice down and living it's lid. "And forgive us!" Elise said bringing in a vegetable platter along with the wings.


After they had finished eating—chomping like animals—Tyron started to put a DVD into the player.

"Oo, what r we wachin?" Jazz asked dropping on the couch from its back and getting herself comfortable. Elise did the same. "Lion King" Tyron grinned. Non of them minded so they just sat there, Isaiah bought in the extra buttered pop corn.


I wake up the next morning with morning light greeting my sight. The birds chirping, singing melody and the branches dancing. I reach for my phone on the other side but something bigger comes into hand. Ehh, must be a pillow. I reach further but the same object comes into reach. Uhhhh....
I'm too scared to look, aaahhhh what is this?! My hand is literally smacking whatever this is.

Wait. Oh no no no no no no no no no!

Wait Lise, don't assume, breathe in breathe out. I rapidly take the covers off the object and look.





"Ow!" The salmon pink haired whines.
"What was that for?!" He questions rubbing his temple where I kicked him.
"Hello! Look around!" I say sarcastically. "What?" He says groggily.
"This is MY room! YOU are in MY room!" I yell at him. "Yeah, I know, so?" He says yawning, then rubbing his eye. "IM A GIRL AND YOU ARE IN MY ROOM WITHOUT MY PERMISSION IN MY BED WITH ME!" I snap. "It's not like it's the first time." He says shamelessly. I look to my left...the window...I LOCKED IT ESPECIALLY LAST TIME SO HE COULDNT GET IN! HOW IS IT OPEN?!

"Well that should've been the last!" I yell. "Jee Luce quit your yappin' Let's go!" He tells me. I walk towards the door with him but he stops infront of it. He looks at me with a dorky face.

"Well aren't you gonna change?" He said and then left closing the door. Hmn? I look down.


How what how?! I went to sleep in my normal clothes...I'm wearing my midriff tank top and my short shorts!

Agggggg this is uncomfortable



So no you perv— yes you!

No lemon happened.

Anyways, thankyou sooo much for 2k views and I can't believe ppl r actually reading this story!

I thought it'd be a flop...but thnx!
It's apparently one of the hottest fanfics but anyways, here's the obvious part:

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~Author Chan

Falling | Gruvia and Nalu [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now