Falling for you

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*Gray's POV*

Well. Ouch. That hurt to hear. The Juvia before would've never said something like that. My actions and belief meant the world to her. No matter how much I said I hated her passiveness, I...kind of...enjoyed being treated so..highly. I know that sounds like a jerk but...not many treated me like I was worth much. To see her care so much, I liked it, yet now it's back to how it always was with out her.

Cuz she's jazz. Can't she be my Juvis for just a minute again? 

We finish dinner and we're on the couch, flipping through channels. I leave it on some child show and try to begin a conversation with her. "Sooo" I begin. She smiles and puts the bowl of popcorn infront of me. I grab a handful and start eating it. She starts laughing.

"Oye! What's so funny?!" I ask but she just shakes her head and stuffs in more popcorn. I found my lips curling up too, I sat there for a second then grabbed another hand full, picked one out, threw it in the air and caught it in my mouth. "Please! Is that the best you can do?" She taunted and did the same as me except threw it higher and caught it. I smell a challenge.
"Alright." I say rubbing my hands going to grab more popcorn.


She won. After at least 10 quintillion rounds...she won. "Now remind me how you got so good at this stuff?" I asked her. "Living with 2 guys for a year 24/7 hours of bearing them and loving them teaches a girl ways to survive with them." She told me.

I itched the back of my head. The thought of her being around guy that aren't me...ugh. Am I jelous? No it can't be. "So..this Isaiah guy..." I start. Dammit Gray did you have to bring this up?! I scowl myself.

"Yeah what about him?" She asked innocently eating more popcorn. How is this bag of popcorn not ending?!

"Uhh...how'd you meet him?" I asked. Her face fell. "Gray!" She whined.
"First of all that doesn't matter and second of all I brought you here to catch up." She said playfully hitting my back arm. I laughed. "Okay okay, I won't talk about your boyfriend" I teased.

"You called me Gray Sama." I said not making eye contact. Don't look in her eyes. Anything but that. Don't let yourself  get hurt. She doesn't care about you. Don't look her in the eyes.

Her eyes find mine. Our gazes locked. We stayed like that for a minute then I cleared my throat looking down. Dammit!

"That job you were about to go on Gray." She began looking down. "It was to defeat a water Mage. An innocent water Mage." She told me. At first I wrinkled my eyebrows but then...it all began to clear up. She needed a way to stop me because I was mad. Only she could stop me, and she did.

"Oh." Was all I could say. I wasn't exactly hurt, and kind of but kind of not disappointed. I don't know how I feel about that. "Gray I—" She tried but I placed my finger on her lip. "You talk too much." I chuckled. "It doesn't matter, even for a second though, at least I know now, that my Juvia is somewhere in there. Now I just have to find her." I smiled.

Tears started rolling down her cheeks. Instead of wiping them, I pull her side to my chest. It isn't a hug and we're not cuddling either. We're just two people on a couch. "Gray?" She said, her voice muffled and she was still sniffing.
"Hmm?" I responded.

"What are we?" She asked. "I don't know." I whisper. I honestly don't. It doesn't take too long for me to answer again though, because the answer always lies in the present.

"We're just two people, sitting on a couch, who are madly in love with each other and refuse to admit it." I tell her. It made her smile she gets up and hits my chest. "Ow!" I whine. "What? A little girl hurt the all mighty Gray  Ice Prick Fullbuster?" She teased.

At that point, the best option to me seemed: tickle torture.

(A/N: Save me the writing😅)

Well it was obvious what happened after that thought. A lot of pillow stuffing surrounded us. Right now we called truce and were just sitting on the couch tired. She looked over at me and I retired the gaze.

Her deep blue eyes that were once full with hope desire and love now consist of limitations and sorrow.

"Juvia, what happened to you? Why did you change?" I asked. "You happened." She replied with a smile. She stood up. "Where are you going?!"
I asked. "To get you a blanket, duh" she replied. "Why?" I asked curiously.

"Oh yeah sure, I'll just let my friend walk 4 kilometres in the 6 foot deep snow and heavy blizzard with only normal clothing." She rolled her eyes.
I squint and look out side and my eyes widen. She was right, it's a really bad blizzard.

"Oh." I said bluntly. She let out a little chuckle. "Actually, wait, the living room gets freezing cold especially seeing the blizzard now, you'll be an ice cube by morning." She tells me. "Please, I'm an Ice Mage, not to forget a demon slayer." I point out. "Just because you trained in the cold doesn't mean your body builds up resistance to freezing you to death at the lowest temperature point." She said sarcastically as if slowly teaching a child. I grunted and she smirked.

"You can sleep in either guy's room." She told me turning around walking to the hallway. "There's no way I'm sleeping in their rooms!" I snapped.
"Well Lise's room is out of question." She stated. "It's okay, I'll just sleep on the c—"
"Shut up! I said you're not sleeping there! Ugh, fine if you're not gonna sleep in their room you can sleep in mine." She whined.

I was surprised by the sudden response but it was a waaaay better option than having to breathe the air of that idiot's room.

*Juvia's POV*

I don't want him to be sick okay? Nothing else.
He follows me into my room. I have a king sized bed so it's loads of space for the two of us. I get three big pillows and put them on the bed dividing the spaces for to sleep. "What are you doing?" He asks wrinkling his forehead. "Making a wall." I say simply.
"What? You don't trust me?" He smirked. "No, I don't." I replied sarcastically.
I was trying to fall asleep and I looked over to Gray's side. He was wide awake.
I turn to my left side to face him and he faces to his right. "Cat get to sleep?" He asks. I click my tongue which is a signal of no. "Neither." He says.

Out of no where he says, "Juvia suits you better. Even now." He tells me. For some reason, heat rushes up my cheeks, they're bright red. Why?

"Can I call you Juvia still?" He asked. I look at him. His eyes, they hold hope, something I lost a while ago. It just feels right. "Yeah" I tell him softly.

I'm loosing Jazz. I'm becoming...Juvia again. How? Is it because of him? What ever it is, it's good. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw Gray push aside a pillow between us, his lips found mine and closed the gap between us.

This was the moment I longed for these several years. This moment.


Reasons why I would never write a lemon:



How ya doin'? Fine? Ik! Happy? Yass! Cuz Gruvia finally kissed! Next chapter, NaLu!


~Author Chan

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