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"We are all here today to announce a new generation of our Pack" The Elder Wolf croaked. A collection of packs filled the hall, all intently listening. Six Alpha's had been chosen for their packs. They had cheered and celebrated yet they knew they had saved the best for last. Though Red, Blue, White, Yellow, Green, Purple and Black banners filled the hall they knew who stood above them.

"The Dragon Pack has been around for centuries and we- they are one of the most respected Packs in the area, so my words to the new Alpha is" She paused to chuckle to herself.

"Good Luck" the Elder smiled and lipped slowly off of the stage whilst the room was engulfed by cheers. The room was large yet it seemed so small having over a thousand werewolves from across the town all crammed together in wooden pews. The atmosphere was great however the sent of that many werewolves with all different ranks and emotions was giving everyone slight nausea. Especially considering everyone was heavily sweating in the summer heat. The taste it left in your mouth- well I don't think we need to describe it... however, this happened once every fifty years so to hell to anyone who wasn't enjoying it. The Dragon Pack was one of the highest ranking Packs in the town- no no no. It is the highest and most respected packs in the town, they were one of the first Packs to come to there, some even say they created the alliance between all the packs!

"Oh my gosh, Scarlett look at all these people! Oh my gosh this is amazing!" Joy blurted out as everyone clapped. She did have the tendency to be rather over the top at these events but it was probably her being overwhelmed. Joy had red hair and brown eyes, she was short, extremely pretty, but her personality was animated.

"You know that is the one hundredth time you've said that." Scarlett sighed. Scarlett is very different to Joy, she is strong and confident and respected by all. Appearance wise she was different too: tall with light brown, long, straight hair and green eyes (which were thought to mean you were powerful). Today she wore the packs school uniform of reds and black with her hear neatly tied up in a ponytail.

"Your just moody because you know Jon's going to be Alpha! And your not going to be his Luna." She teased. Scarlett could have thrown up there and then.

"Sure" Scarlett replied, rolling her eyes. "I know exactly who it's going to be."


"Someone strong, confident and is not an idiot" Scarlett said with a sincere smile. Joy tutted in response and thought it better to wait and see that she was right rather than arguing. She was of course Jon's new girlfriend.

"And the new Alpha is..... Scarlett Dragon!" The Elders face lit up in excitement at the votes, Scarlett was like a daughter to some of them after all.

Scarlett stood up and looked at her friend who's mouth was practically on the floor. "see." she said with another quick smile before walking up to the stage. Scarlett shuffled up to the podium with a sly look on her face. Another Elder hobbled back up to the stage and shook hands with the new Alpha, looking straight on at a camera.

"Hello. Thank you so much everyone. I can't even believe this is happening!' Joy gave out a very loud tut at this. "I promise I will live up to your expectations as an Alpha and make decisions to help our Pack and of course; our town." Another round of clapping followed and the final pictures were taken.


There was a knock at the door "Alpha Scarlett?" A timid voice asked.

"Come in" Scarlett said whilst frantically writing on numerous different peaces of paper at once. Collin slid through the door, trying not to make much noise.

"Well we've got everything ready! Everyone's settled in and school starts tomorrow!' Collin said trying to act professional.

"Good" Scarlett wasn't really listening to him, she was busy sorting out how everyone was going to get to school.

"And umm well you see." Collin was sweating, he was extremely nervous, more nervous than usual. He had been given the role of the Beta. He was trying to make sure everything was going smoothly but wasn't acting like it.

"Spit it out Collin! I haven't got all day. And you don't need to act professional in front of me you know." Collin was shocked at the response and sat down whilst looking at his feet.

"Well... Alpha there has been people saying that, well..." Scarlett put her pen down and looked at him in a way that said "really?"

"There's going to be a Human at school and that you and the other half Shifts will have to hide your ears and a tail' Collin explained. A half Shift is a Werewolf that when in its Human form can have there ears and tail showing. Half Shift's can go with out there Ears and Tail but they find it very uncomfortable.

"Is this a fact or rumour?" Scarlett asked as if she were talking to a child.

"Fact, Alpha" Scarlett sat back in her chair and held her hand up to her face.

"Okay so when is she coming?" She kept staring at Collin which made him even more uncomfortable.

"First day of school, Alpha" Scarlett growled which made Collin stand up. He then proceeded to leave the office, thinking it was best. Scarlett got up and walked up to the window and smiled "well this ought to be interesting."

Night time

"Come on Alpha Scarlett the shows about to start!" One of the younger girls said, trying not to fall off the sofa.

"I'll be there in one second" Scarlett shouted from the second floor.

"Don't worry guys I'll go get her" said Jason as he got up. Jason is thought to be Scarlett's mate but they are the only ones who don't know. Jason had brown hair and dark blue eyes, he is one of the strongest and sweetest Werewolves in the village. He ran quietly through the hallway and up the old stairs. The house they lived in was extremely old and everything looked like antiques, unfortunately they kept disappearing because everyone knocked them all over. The house itself was huge, over 20 bedrooms, a huge kitchen/lounge and a floor just for the Alpha and Luna. Of cause there's a bigger room for the Beta but Collin won't use all of it.

"Shhhh" Jason gestured towards Collin who was standing out side the room. Collin nodded and turned in the direction of his room before looking down stairs and deciding to go down there instead. Jason crept in whilst Scarlett was still scribbling away.

"Hi" he said as Scarlett continued to write.

"Oh hi" she said while starting to put some papers away.

"Really? That didn't scare you?" Jason asked. Scarlett pointed at her self "Alpha" she said in a sarcastic tone. She cleared her desk and was shoed out of the room. They walked down stairs and as soon as they got into the room everyone was staring at them with big smiles on their faces. There were about twenty werewolves all crammed onto three sofas and cuddled together on the floor with pillows and blankets.

"So?" One of the Werewolf's said.

"So what?" They both said. Everyone then sank back into there seats with a grown. Confused, Jason and Scarlett sat down. They started watching the usual Human TV shows for three hours but eventually everyone started going to bed. Until it was only the two of them.

"Jason?" Scarlett said sleepily as she snuggled into his shoulder.

"Yes Alpha" Jason responded, whilst snaking his arm around her.

"The Human who's coming to our school. What do we do with her?"

"I don't know. Maybe we talk to it" he joked. Scarlett's eyes started to shut.

"I guess we can try that" Scarlett began to smile and looked into his eyes, they looked like the ocean at night or the navy if a old boating uniform. Suddenly she realised what was happening. They were centimetres away from each others lips, bodies laced together and all she could hear was his heartbeat.

"Well goodnight!" She said as she got up and ran up to her room without an explanation.

"Haha goodnight!"

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