A meeting of Gods

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"I'm sorry to call you here in such short notice but some among you need to know the extent of the situation." Scarlett said. Everyone was at school, or for the case of the older pack members; at work. She stood where the TV was with Lawrence, Jason, Collin, Emily and Marcus staring back blankly. Marcus turned to everyone. "Yeah I'd like to know. Emily has been avoiding me," he pointed to her on the sofa furthest from him, "Jason's been 'sick'" with air quotations, "and Lawrence isn't being a huge bastard anymore! What has the world become?!" He told the room. Scarlett bit her lip harshly to stop from laughing. "Come on sweetheart don't get mad. I swear I'll cheer you on every practice from now on!" Lawrence said in a lovey-dovy voice. He earned a slap in the back of the head by both Jason on his left and Marcus on his right. "I had to sit in between you both didn't I?"
"Marcus, I'm sorry we haven't kept you in the loop but I think we are all keeping things from each other." Scarlett announced. She didn't mean to look at Jason but she did. He looked at Lawrence then the floor. "I don't think it'll be a good idea for you know who to listen..." Jason said quietly. "Aamir isn't listening." Lawrence Said. Marcus jumped back in his seat. "Who the hell is Aamir? Someone from doctor who?" *smack * "take this seriously!" Collin, the smacker, said sternly. Marcus rolled his eyes. "Aamir is a spirit. He is trying to take control of Lawrence. Though that is not our only problem as Emily has Mira inside her and I have Arurora, who I think by the way, might be evil! Inside me." Marcus' mouth hung open. "Emily I found out Mira, the one with you, is not evil. She is the kindest among them, she breathed life quite literally into the world and only seeks to protect it." Scarlett wanted to leave out the hole 'oh and you might be a dormant werewolf but who can be sure' part.

"That actually puts me at ease. Thank you." Emily replied. "No- no, no, no. We aren't just gonna skip over the hole Mother Nature in my girlfriend thing." Marcus Said. "Girlfriend?" Lawrence asked. "THAT'S THE IMPORTANT THING IN THAT SENTENCE?!" He shouted.

They spent an hour telling them stories and about the research they had found. When they had finished Scarlett looked at Jason expectantly. "There was- something- I think we should all go to bed. Let this sink in properly." This wasn't what Scarlett wanted to hear. "Unfortunately it gets worse. Lawrance, Collin and Marcus, you are part of the selection in Norrix. If Lawrence is looked at then they might find Aamir hiding inside." Marcus put his fist in the air. "Yes! I'm part of selection!... not the time?" Everyone shook their heads. "I will not hide! They may detect my powers but don't worry my dear their heads will be gone from their bodies by then." Aamir interrupted. "Oh, that's him? Nice to meet you I'm Marcus, Emily's boyfriend. I heard you met and threatened to kill her?" Marcus said nicely with daggered eyes. "Nice to finally be acquainted." Aamir said shaking his hand. "Aamir leave now!" Scarlett shouted, completely shocked by the exchange. "Aamir." Jason said quietly. Aamir turned to him with werewolf speed. "Are you feeling better?" He said in a softer voice no one had heard except by Jason in his hallucinative state. "Please don't let them find you out. Lawrence will be banished." Aamir leaned over him to his ear. "Who are you more worried about. Me getting caught or him?" He whispered so only he could hear. Jason felt himself grow red again. "Don't make me answer that." He said back. Aamir almost fell back as he recoiled from him. "I thought you would say Lawran- listen." He turned to Scarlett. "I'll make a deal with you, well it's not actually a deal it your only option." He chuckled. "Let me take control of Lawrence through out the Norrix games and I will not let anyone detect me." He stated. Scarlett shook her head. "Absolutely not." Aamir smiled. "I thought you might say that so let me make this clear. If I take over Lawrence then I can use my magic, cloaking magic and with my powers you will win the competition. I mean it would be a shame if this was first time in centuries the Dragon Pack lost. Even after the games being named after the packs founder." He said mischievously. Jason touched Aamir's arm to calm him down but he flinched at the touch. However, before he could take his hand back Aamir placed his over it. Marcus and Collin couldn't see and Scarlett was staring Aamir down so much Jason thought her eyes may explode. "You need me." Aamir said softly. Scarlett sighed and scratched her wolf ears atop her head. "Fine. One time deal but Jason has to be with you twenty fore seven." Marcus and Collin looked straight at Jason who looked as shocked as them. "You know you shouldn't make deals with the devil." Aamir said with a smirk. Scarlett got close to his face. "I'm starting to think maybe the devil really is just a fallen angel." Aamir's face dropped. "Deal." And he feel back into the sofa.

"Lawrence?" Scarlett asked. "Yeah..." He said as if he had woken up on Saturday early. Jason retracted his hand immediately.

After a bit more talking everyone left slowly. Emily went with Marcus, Collin and Jason had gone to Collin's room, he had a feeling somehow that Jason shouldn't be left alone. So Lawrence and Scarlett were left, alone.

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