Scarlett's Luna

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Lawrence now spent most of his time in his room. The door locked thrice and only opened for a dash to the kitchen. Jason sat outside. Lent against the wall next to his door, waiting for him to emerge. He would fall asleep and Jason knew that Lawrence could tell. He debated wether he snores on a few occasions. This time he had thought of an ingenious plan.

Thud. "Jason!" Lawrence shouted. He looked down at the, now very awake, boy laying at his feet. "Ow." Jason said, running his hands through his brown mess of hair. "Lawrence you have got to talk to me. Scarlett and Collin are locked up in the Alpha apartment not telling me anything. All I got was what I read in a few pages of that book before they took it away!" He said making himself comfortable on Lawrence's shoes. "You slept on the door."
Jason nodded.
"What if it opened out?"
"Then you wouldn't have eaten for a week."
"Jason..." Lawrence trailed his fingers across his face. "Come in."

The room was dark but surprisingly neat. "Something in my head... it compels me to do things. Tidy, eat, sleep... and then sometimes it tries to compel me to do other things, things I can suppress but for how long?" He sighed.
"Sounds like OCD."
Lawrence glared. "This is serious Jason! I have a freaken God in me! A god! And better yet, a werewolf god." He shifted to sit next to Jason on the bed, his sleepy and anxiety filled sent offending his nose. "Are you okay?" Lawrence asked. Jason looked down at his hands. They were bruised yet soft and small, very different to a normal werewolf. "I can't do anything. Your a god who we're trying to get rid of, Scarlett's a Goddess that's mad at whatever's in you and the human is also a goddess. I'm useless." He told him. Lawrence patted his back. "Your not useless Jason. Your Intelligent, smart and a great friend." Jason shook his head.

"I just want to help so badly-"

"And you did! If it weren't for you I would either be dead or a serial killer."

Lawrence felt a presence for a second. "Someones listening."

Jason stood slowly. He put his hand carefully around the door knob, turned the handle and flung it open. Mason came tumbling in ear first. He landed with a thud, carefully looking up and pushing the hair from his face to look Lawrence in the eye. Mason was the sentinel sure, but Lawrence was still scary to him.

"fancy seeing you here!" He exclaimed as he rose to his feet. "Jason." He said, patting away the dust on his shirt.

"so murder huh?"

Lawrence and Jason both ran a hand down their foreheads. they were not expecting Mason to get involved. He never did. If it wasn't an issue he couldn't punch into submission then he wasn't interested. He was once put into the debate team and ended up throwing the argument papers into the oppositions face, then stole their shirts and ran into the sunset. He was only eight.

He had been extremely interested however in this case since everyone had just disappeared. It was true that the higher ranking werewolves only had to attend the first week of school but it just seemed weird. Not coming down for supper, Jason outside Lawrence's 24/7 and no more meetings with the elders.

He had come to the conclusion that for the sake of Emil- the pack. He needed to find out what was going on.

"Thulsa. He had always been so interested in others business..." Lawrence said quietly.

Jason's eyes blew wide and with all the strength he could muster he hauled Mason off his feet and into his arms. he was not light. His muscular arms automatically held onto Jason. Before he knew it he had been thrown into the corridor and left behind a locked door.

"Lawrence please listen. It's me, please just don't let him take you again."

He swayed, like something inside him had been pushed to the side. "Jason I don't know if I can-"

"shut up! you can. Ignore him! Powerful people hate to be ignored!"

Lawrence swayed again. "Well lucky for me I'm not 'people'."

Jason pushed Lawrence back so he lay on his bed and knelt down next to him."

"Get out of him now! what do you even want?" Jason yelled.

Aamir sat up and took Jason by the ear. "I want this body! It's mine and this little wolf spirit can't have it! Do you know how confident I've made him? How much strength I've given? I have given him a good life and now it's my turn." He fell back again and thrashed on the bed. "If you let me take him for- for an hour. I will tell you right now who Scarlett's mate is." He told him. Jason stood back, lip between his teeth. "What will you do?" He said quietly.

"All I want is answers. I want to know who cursed me- us! So that I can fix it."

"Fine!" said Jason.

Aamir smiled. "Deals with gods... That can be a dangerous thing." He warned but Jason waved his hand. "As long as you come back here, leave him unharmed in this bed, in exactly one hour, then I will take your deal." Jason could hardly believe he was doing this but he had to know. "Give me your hand, I'll need your powers."

"No. first you tell me."

Aamir's face morphed briefly into annoyance. "Fine!" He said through his teeth.

"You are Scarlett's mate Jason, but Aurora is mine. If anything happened to me then Lawrance would have no mate, only the feelings of her being his. He would long for her as any werewolf longs for their mate but you are her only true mate."

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