I Will Burn The World For You

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The house went quiet. Everyone had gone to bed including Jason and Aamir. They had gone to Lawrence's room because of the double bed, soon Aamir got ready and brushed his teeth. Jason had gotten ready a while ago after coming up early from dinner, which was quite awkward contrary to the loud conversation. He waited for him to come to bed before getting in, either to talk or he was expecting something... He sat perched on the edge with a book in his hand. His brown hair had fallen over his face and his book had droplets of water from him air drying his hair.

Aamir came out of the bathroom with a towel around his neck and his boxers on. He looked at the werewolf perched on the bed and smiled. Seeing the wolf like this made him relax. Something about him he could not put his finger on it.

Jason's smile was so subtle yet blinding, his navy eyes were dull yet enchanting, everything about him was so unnaturally brilliant even though that's what he was: nature. He is as normal as it gets yet Aamir saw him as more interesting then gods. He could be Thulsa. Deep down Aamir thought it was him yet it wasn't possible. They had many parallels yet when he saw Thulsa he saw strength and respect but when he saw Jason... it was like looking into the first sunrise. "I have a question." He said slamming his book shut. Aamir flinched by the disturbance in thought. "I'll try and answer it." He replied.

Jason sighed. "They say you want to take over the world. That you almost killed everyone until I stopped you." Aamir didn't hear the question so he just threw his towel at his dripping hair. "They do say that... because I wrote that." He said slowly. Jason nodded, trying to avoid eye contact. "But it doesn't seem very... you." Now Jason looked at him. Aamir was a little speechless. He opened and shut his mouth a few times before getting up. "I can't tell you here." He said throwing a shirt and jeans on. "Follow me."


The Forest Behind The Winter Pack House

Night had fallen quickly. As soon as they stepped out the house it was like the sun couldn't keep itself up anymore because the walk there had seemed so quick when in reality it had taken them some time.

They walked along a cobble path of blackened stones that lead to a fire pit. They walked past the fire pit and down a small opening in the terrain and came out to a large lake. The moon shimmered across it and bounced onto the surrounding trees creating a white and blue, hued light around them. The sound of crickets filled their ears and the taste of damp grass filled their mouths. Everything was the definition of perfect. Aamir has been asked once to define perfect, as he used it 'too frequently' for a past lover. It was true. He knew not of perfect but only of what nature intends something to be. "I never really wanted to do that stuff. Burn the world and all that. It was what I thought was good at the time. My- Arurora wanted things a certain way. She wanted us to keep out of the worlds business but well... Mira was too kind hearted to let people suffer, Yamire couldnt live without sharing his inventions and I." He paused to look at Jason. "I wanted to see the limits of these people." Aamir grabbed a handful of grass and threw it to the lake. He watched it slowly drift and fall away, almost timing Jason to see when he would talk. "You wanted to play with them like toys." He said five blades later. "It wasn't like that? I had never met a human. You can observe something but that doesn't mean you understand it. It's why humans investigate, it's why you adventure. I assumed it would be fun to see everything, to have all of adventure in my grasp and I became the bad guy. You can't come back from being the bad guy... that's why you Jason, you are so pure. You have met others, talked to them with the adventure of knowing them without prejudice. I have had no friends, or the friends that I had were just the others that were there." Aamir looked up to the sky and past it. His home was up there. But he looked to his right and saw another home. "Jason I'm sorry your in this mess." He whispered with the wind. Jason patted him on the shoulder. "Don't be sorry, because I'd rather be in this mess and have met you then out of this mess and lost. When I'm with you it's different to when I'm with Scarlett. With Scarlett it's fun, relaxing and empowering." Aamir looked to the ground. How could he compete with that. "But it's not enough. I always thought I was competing with Lawrence, that I never had a chance so I never felt fulfilled with our moments together, even now that we are together it's like there's something missing and it wasn't until that night that I realised it was you. You want me, you chose me. Scarlett didn't chose me she got stuck with me." Aamir places his hand on the side of his cheek. "She loves you. I see the anger in her eyes when she sees you smile at me. I know I'm meant to be evil but the way she looks at you is the way married partners do. She is loving towards you both as a best friend and a partner. Though we can't ignore the fact I am evil. I feel selfish wanting more, for wanting more than just a smile when I walk into a room." Aamir then looked to the side. "More? What do you... want me to do." Aamir suddenly felt something change. His mind grew hungry and he was finding it hard to control. He dug his fingers into the grass and looked at him in the most relaxed manner he could muster. "I want you to look at me always and more. When your with her I want you to see me, only me. When I walk into a room I want you to stop touching her, when you do touch her I want you to think of me. I think I know my problem Jason Evenesent." They were suddenly very close. Jason was looking up at Aamir with one hand supporting him in the dirt and the other tucked into his shirts neck line. "What is it?" He asked.

"I will burn the world to get what I want, especially if it's to get you."

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