The Sentinel

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The final bell rang and Scarlett ran out of the classroom. She closed her eyes and ran with Emily in her hand. "Where are we going?" Emily yelled. Scarlett turned the corner so fast Emily almost fell. "Sorry. You wanted to see the Sentinel's train so-." She turned another corner. "I'm taking you there."

They flew down the corridor towards the glass automatic doors of the back of the school. They opened as Scarlett approached which alerted all of the Sentinels.

Marcus stepped out, shirtless like the other Sentinels. "Marcus, sunglasses, please." Scarlett asked with her eyes scrunched shut. It was a sunny day and the training area was glowing with life. The training grounds consisted of two tracks. One was a running track that circled outside a ring smaller ring of hurdles. The other sat in the centre, climbing walls, tunnels for human forms, tunnels for wolves, ropes to climb and small pools to wade or swim through, and a small battle arena next to the doors. Marcus, in alarm, ran over to his bag and gave her a pare of sunglasses. Emily gasped slightly at the array of obstacles and very very muscular guys.

"Come on Sentinels! Time to train! First one to the end of the course wins something... your welcome to watch Scarlett Alpha of the Dragon pack." The teacher told everybody. Scarlett dragged Emily to the stands and sat down. The Sentinels got ready, all lined up, claws forming from their fingers. "Three, two, one, GO!" The teacher yelled. Marcus ran past the others, almost completely jumping over the wading pool. Emily made noises of amazement. Scarlett was sat back with her legs up, she seemed to be in deep thought. He jumped halfway up the climbing wall and cleared the hurdles two at a time. The rest of the course was a breeze for him and he finished in record time.

"What got into you Marcus?" The teacher yelled at him. "That's what I was wondering..." Scarlett mumbled. "I don't know Sir, I just felt... alive!" He replied. Emily jumped off the stands and ran over to him. "That was amazing!" She told him. Marcus stepped closer to her. "I feel like I could do anything!" He said as he searched her eyes. His eyes eventually fell to her lips. Soon followed by his own. With one hand he pulled her into a kiss. She kissed back of course.

Then mocking laughter came from behind them. "You know you can't be with a human right?" Said a nasally voice. It was Jon. They broke apart instantly and Marcus shoved Emily behind him. Jon was accompanied by seven other omegas. "You think it wise to come to a Sentinel training lesson?" Said one of the other Sentinels. "Yeah Marcus alone could rip all your heads off." Said another. Scarlett just sat back like she had popcorn. The teachers wasn't aloud to interfere in Werewolf fights and he didn't like Jon anyway.

"Fight us then! Show us how amazing you are." Jon said sarcastically. Marcus ran at them, Jon hooked his arm in Marcus' and all the omegas trapped him. One of them broke off from the group, it was a tall, blond girl wearing big hooped earrings and showing most of her skin. Her mouth however shifted into a muzzle with sharp fangs. Emily went to run but the She wolf caught her. Scarlett got up to run but people appeared behind her, grabbing her and pulling her by the arms back into the seat. "Let go!" She growled. As the She Wolf got closer to Emily's arm with her teeth Scarlett couldn't believe what was going to come out of her mouth. Through out the chaos of many Omegas from various packs holding down the thrashing Sentinels and the Alpha, Scarlett called out for someone she would have never guessed.

"Lawrence!!" As soon as she said it Lawrence came to his senses. He was currently on a date with a She Wolf in the main school. She laughed too much and Lawrence didn't like her that much but he needed reassurance that he was still handsome. His eyes started to glow again and he got up without a word and ran like his life depended on it. He flew through the hallways faster than he ever had in his life, running into people on his way and pushing through doors until he found himself outside. He saw the situation.

His entrance had disturbed the happenings. Scarlett's sunglasses fell off and everyone could see the fire erupting from them. Lawrence was quickly pushed to the ground but Scarlett felt a searing pain from his yelps. She screamed and all the surrounding Omegas fell back like someone had taken the earth out from underneath them. They fell to the floor in a heap and Scarlett started hurtling towards Emily. The She Wolf had been distracted by Lawrence's entrance and was completely unaware of Scarlett bounding towards her. She soon found herself face down on the floor. Scarlett then ran to Jon and grabbed him by the collar. His feet left the floor and he waled in response. "Get out of here or I'll kill you." She whispered and dropped him with a thud to the ground.

He picked himself up and ran off followed by the other whimpering Omegas. Scarlett, without realising, ran to Lawrence and was engulfed in his arms. "It's okay, everyone's okay." He reassured her in a soothing tone.

"Emily! Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Marcus yelled at her accidentally. Emily stroked his arm. "I'm fine. Do Omegas usually act like that?" She asked. Marcus looked after the crowd. "No. They absolutely do not. Let's go home." He gestured for her to walk. The other Sentinels had gone off to chase them.

Collin appeared out of nowhere. "Alpha, we have a problem."

The Human in a Werewolf townOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora