My Problem Will Always Be That

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"you'll do great! All you need to do is win on this track that you go on at least every day. You have the advantage I know you can do it!" Emily told Marcus. Marcus was profusely sweating from nerves. He had done fifty pushups, twenty laps, one hundred pull ups and still he felt unnerved. "I know I'll win, don't worry." He lied. Emily smiled. "Great! I'm going to check on Lynn, she seems really nervous." Marcus nodded and watched as she went over to the pacing shewolf.
Jason appeared. Unlike the rest of them he was in his uniform's white shirt, black trousers and belt, wafting it in the sun. The Dragon packs sports kit was made up of tight and breathable black and red stretchy fabric, which even though got hot in the sun was very comfortable. "You need anything? Water?" Jason asked. Marcus grabbed the front of his shirt. "Switch places with me! Switch bodies with me! Just get me out of here!" He begged. Jason burst out laughing. "Sorry I got out of it. Scarlett won last year but now because she's the Alpha she can't and now that I'm a Luna neither can I." Marcus let go and pushed him away. "I've never been so stressed for a competition." He told him. Aamir appeared behind Jason. "I got an idea." Jason turned red because what Marcus couldn't see was Aamir grabbing his ass in front of anyone behind them. "How could you help me?" Marcus Said harshly. They sat down on the grass. "Well firstly I'm a god." He said pointing to himself. "And secondly Yamire used to get super nervous about anything so I know how to calm people down." He told them. Jason smiled at the thought of him consoling a friend. "Fine! What do you want me to do? Is it a 'look into my eyes' kinda deal or 'kiss me and you may be a frog' thing." Aamir didn't know what to say. "Definitely not that. Just close your eyes and breathe and think about nothing." Marcus did as he said. "Now as you breathe out open your eyes." He took a breath in and out. Jason grabbed Aamir's arm as he saw his eyes go from green to brown. "I really thought I'd be wrong." Aamir said thoughtfully. "Turn him back!" Jason whispered, afraid he might wake something from Marcus. "Yamire?" He asked. Marcus looked up with his brown eyes. "Aamir? Do you know how annoying this body is? I thought maybe if he shifted I could get in there but no! So tense all the time, so focused." He said in an extremely propped tone. "Really? Reminds me of someone I know!" Aamir responded. Yamire rolled his eyes. Jason was speechless. "But- He can't be-." Aamir reached up into his hair. "It's alright, Yamire will just help Marcus out a little in the competition. Please don't tell Scarlett." Jason relaxed. "Arurora can't know I'm here. If she does she'll kill this Marcus guy and Aamir I find him fitting. He is kind to my Mira, even if she does not know." Aamir nodded.

The games started. Collin, now showing some arm, was absolutely ripped. He had taken off his glasses and it was like a superman transformation. He stood lined up along side Yamire, Aamir and Lynn. The bell rang and they were off, sprinting and flying through the course. At first they were all tying but Lynn, our of nerves, tripped over a logs in the course and fell out of the race. Later on Collin was ahead of the gods but Aamir willed rope from a climbing wall to snake and trap around his foot.

Yamire and Aamir were neck and neck. They were focused, fast and near the finish line when- "Aamir I'm loosing him." Yamire shouted. Aamir looked back for a second and saw his eyes drain back to green. He kept running but he saw the panic in his eyes. When they finished Aamir came out ahead. Marcus fell to the ground. "You!" He growled. "Aamir tell me who that was!"
"You heard. Now don't tell anyone or else it won't end well for you or your little girlfriend."
"You wouldn't-"
"Your right I wouldn't." He said pointing towards Scarlett. Marcus understood. Arurora could not be trusted.

Collin has managed to get free and walk towards the finishing area. Girls came running over. "Collin! Can you sign my shirt?" They asked, fluttering their eyelashes as they did. "If you would like." He replied. They all squealed and started swarming around him.

After a while Collin made it to the stands. "Scarlett I caught Aamir trying to sneak out last night. I suggest Jason stay and guard him." Collin said after explaining what had happened in the competition. Scarlett looked over to them. Aamir had his arm around Jason's waist which was getting lower and lower and lower... "I don't think-"
"He's the only one that can stop him." Collin cut in. Scarlett gulped. "Then it would be a smart decision." Collin nodded and went to tell them.

Scarlett sighed. "What's wrong Alpha?" Jon spat from behind her. Scarlett rolled her eyes. "How was I ever into you." She asked herself. Jon climbed over the seats to sit next to her. "Because I didn't do that." He said pointing over to Aamir/Lawrence who was talking with a group of girls and to Jason who was helping Lynn with a bruised hip. "You were never jealous because I didn't want you to. I actually thought of your emotions. Can't say you did the same for me." He told her and scurried off. Scarlett was bothered. She was always bothered when Jason or Lawrance got close with other people but now they were getting close with each other, well not really. Aamir was going to take Jason away if it was the last thing he did and Lawrance was heart broken by her. What if her only mate was taken away from her. "Kill Aamir if you want him to stay away." Said a voice. Scarlett closed her eyes. She was sick of this. "Just shut up." She wined. "Come on! Lawrance isn't your mate but if your not careful he will be consumed by Aamir and he will finally be able to take Jason away from you." It said again. Scarlett looked up again at them. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad...

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