The Elders will take them away Scarlett

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"we have felt magic use in this house Alpha Scarlett." Said the ridiculously tall elder to her left. "Please just let me ask a few questions before you start ransacking my house." She told them sternly. The elders, though not happy about it, put up their noses and listened. Scarlett took a breath and looked into their eyes. "Is there anything, a jewel, a ring, (don't say necklace!) anything that has significant relevance to magic and werewolves?" She asked. Though she stood tall she felt as if her legs might buckle from beneath her. "There is. Why do you ask." A woman asked to her right with the self-righteousness of a dictator. "I am your Alpha. I do not need to give you a reason." Scarlett said sternly. She felt such emotion and caught her reflection in the window. In a flash fire had flared in her eyes, thankfully the elders weren't looking, rather they were bowing. "You are right Alpha. We apologise." One of her grandfathers said.

Scarlett had a mini flashback: "you must assert yourself Scarlett or else they will not respect you." Her dad had said. "But I don't want to be mean to my people." She had replied. He smiled and patted her shoulder. "What is more important? Someone being confident and respecting you but having a brief moment of resentment or people liking you but have no faith?"

"I heard of a necklace from a French werewolf woman." Scarlett said. She had assumed she was French judging that's where Aamir was at the time. The elders looked at her and gulped. "Maybe a werewolf at first. Yes she was a werewolf at birth and yes she was given a sacred jewel and I'm assuming you know the happenings around the jewel but the magic from the jewel is not temporary. The magic can last centuries depending on what the user wants when they put it on. When she took off the necklace she was a human with a wolf laying asleep inside. Her line of descendants are the same but they are drawn to werewolf kind like a child lost in a forest looking for its mother. Mira, may her soul rest in peace, was thought to be the protector of the woman's son until she was slain by Aamir."
"Aamir didn't kill Mira." Scarlett said without thinking. She didn't even speak but her mouth moved and spoke loud and clearly. "Have you any evidence?" He asked. Scarlett had to think quick but her mind had beaten her to it. "I had read it in letters that Aamir was fond of her because of her closeness with Arurora." Scarlett didn't know what was happening. She wasn't speaking but she was, and quite elegantly too. She sounded more put together and less stuttery. "That is a good observation. For whatever reason Mira could not protect the boy and Aamir got what he wanted."
"Which was?" The elders looked among one and other. They couldn't just tell her but they had to. Scarlett was just screaming "say it bluntly or not at all!" Into her mind, at least she knew that was her own impatient voice.

"He wanted to have another chance. To live on earth with the power of the strongest beings (werewolf) and take back the world that was his. Mira wanted to protect the family she never could. Yamire wanted to protect his wife,  Thulsa wanted to make things right and Aurora..." they looked to the floor again. "She wanted to make sure non of that happened. The others had used the Jewel before she arrived, they had written their vows in blood before their bodies had vanished away. It is thought she changed the writings, that she was the one who convinced Aamir to do all these things, used reverse phycology on Mira and only did it to get revenge." They explained. "Don't listen to them. They don't know what they are talking about!" A gaspy voice said as clear as day. Scarlett looked sharply behind her.

"We need to run a few tests on some people from your pack. You wouldn't mind would you? It will also go towards the Norrix games selection process." The Norrix games were approaching. Scarlett had completely forgotten in the hole mess. "Who would you like?" She prayed Marcus. Marcus, Jason, Lawrence, Josephine. "Lawrence, Marcus, Jason, Collin and Lynn." It wasn't bad. Scarlett suddenly put the pieces together. They came here to find traces of magic and now they are taking Lawrence to get tested. The loudest guy with the most hormonal god sitting in him, just waiting to burn the fucking world to the ground. "Sounds great!" She did not say. "Thank you Alpha Scarlett." Wait! No I didn't- "your always welcome don't forget that." Oh for fu-

The Human in a Werewolf townHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin