A Hidden Evil

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"What do you mean he's gone?!" Scarlett screamed in the hospital. Emily stood in front of her. They were outside the emergency room in the next town over. They weren't aloud to see or hear of the news about Jason but the Salutary's were hard at work. "Marcus is gone. I spent the hole of yesterday looking for him but he's gone." She told Scarlett. Collin appeared next to her. "We can send out a search party tomorrow." He said. Collin has been the saviour in all this. Scarlett had gone into panic, Aamir was in a non responsive state of healing and everyone was bombarding her with questions. Scarlett just nodded.

After a while of waiting Aamir was shocked awake. "Ah!" He yelled. Everyone except Scarlett jumped in the waiting area. She was sat slumped in the chair next to him. Many wolves had gone home so only Humans waiting to get a check up were left and they sat quite a way. "Glad you decided to join us." She commented. Aamir has been in a weird state since it all happened. He woke up minutes after Jason had fallen and simply helped people. Helped bring him into an ambulance, walked with them into the hospital but then sat in the waiting room just staring at the floor. "What happened?" He asked. Scarlett sighed. "You were there weren't you?" She said sarcastically. Aamir didn't say anything. "Weren't you?" She said, now confused. "No. My body went into like a self drive mode whilst I healed." It was true. His hole body had healed from the broken ribs, deep scratches and various bruises. "Well Jason just collapsed. According to Collin one minute he was happy, next he wasn't breathing and grasping at his chest." Aamir almost flung himself from his seat. "Oh god what did you do?!" He asked. Scarlett almost slapped him. "I didn't do anything!" She shouted. "Well you must have! Think! What happened exactly before he fell?" Scarlett thought back. All she saw was happiness and his. "Well when he saw you fall he came to run to you so I grabbed him to keep our cover." She told him. Aamir coved his face with his hands. "This is bad. This is very very bad." He exclaimed. Now Scarlett slapped him. "What! What's wrong with him?"
"You! Us! He's bound to both of us and you made him chose! His soul is in two, belongs to both of us. He needs to act on both parts of his soul and you stopped half of it. Now he has to chose in his dreams! In this coma he's in and he won't wake up until he's chosen." Scarlett was mortified. He was her mate. Jason and her were each other's. If he chose Aamir then Scarlett would be mateless and alone for the rest of her life, a part of her would be ripped away and burnt to pieces. If he chose Scarlett then Arurora would take Aamir back and convince him to destroy the town and go back home where she would torment him forever. "Has this ever happened before?" She asked. Aamir looked up to the sky. "Once."
"What did they do?"
"They never woke up. Thulsa fell in love with a werewolf woman. He didn't mean for it to happen but they fell in love. She found her mate and Thulsa asked if she'd rather go to, what you'd call heaven, I'd call home, with him, or stay on earth him her mate. She couldn't chose and fell into a coma. To my knowledge she never woke up." He explained. Scarlett felt very sick. So sick she actually had to run to the bathroom. Aamir waited then did the same, not to be sick but to let his tears fall. He looked into the mirror and saw someone leave a stall. An idea formed. "Sorry Lawrence." He thought then went into the stall and locked it with a spell.

He left his body. Ripped and clawed out like he was in a drowning car. When he got out he walked out, well through the door and walls until he was there. He saw it, Jason in a bed whilst medical werewolves were chattering around him. Aamir walked slowly up to the bed. He was so pail. His forehead was dripping with sweat but his body was as cold as ice. He touched his hand and concentrated. "I could get trapped" he thought to himself. If he went into his dreams then he could get trapped there forever. Thulsa hadn't wanted to risk it but Aamir didn't really have much to live for at this point. He fell in. It was like falling down a rabbit hole. Getting hit from side to side as he fell down the never needing hole of darkness. A whistling sound started getting louder as he felt himself falling faster, wind rushing through him as he felt the urge to scream. He closed his eyes and suddenly he felt something. The wind was replaced by lushes grass and the noice was now chirping birds and the flow of water.

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