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Jason had done it. He had made the deal with the devil. Aamir slowly pushed Jason back, he didn't know what took over him but he let him guid him back until he was thrown and pinned against the far wall. "Since you have been so... useful" he spat, "I will not take all of your power. You may feel tired, dizziness and feel immensely drawn to me but you will have to control yourself, just like you do for dear Scarlett." He had said with a sharp smile. Jason went to push him away but he was thrown back and this time they were closer. Aamir's hands trailed down his arm until he found Jason's hands and slipped gracefully into them, intertwining their fingers and holding them up either side of his head. Jason felt his Wolf come out from within him. "You can't change. It will make this a lot harder than it needs to be." Aarmir whispered into his ear. Jason couldn't hold back a gasp from it and shoved the wolf back down. He felt his face heat up, like burn up from the sudden awareness of his surroundings... or their surroundings. He wasn't quite sure where he ended and Aamir began.

Suddenly Aamir pulled away, Jason fell forward and onto the floor. His vision had blured and everything around him was glowig all different colours, whispering and brightening. He looked up at Aamir. He was surrounded by a blue light. Jason felt a high from it, like he wanted to reach out and touch it and surround himself with it. Aamir smiled and closed the door, leaving Jason to figure out what was happening.


Five minutes later

The lights had calmed down now yet Jason still felt like he was floating. He felt like he was walking through mist as he made his way downstairs. He saw Aamir. He was laughing with a few of the pack. "Lawrence who knew you were so funny?" One laughed, playfully hitting him on the shoulder. Everything sounded like he was hearing it through a wall, like an explosion had gone off and his ears were still trying to adjust. "Aamir?" Jason asked.
He turned his head but his smile subsided. "Who are you talking about Jason?" He asked, his voice being the only damn crystal clear voice. "Sorry, I feel really light headed. Have you seen Scarlett?" Jason asked the others. They shook their heads and he suddenly felt his body drop. Aamir rushed over and caught him by the arm. "I'm going to take him to his room for a moment."

Aamir hauled Jason up the stairs and onto his bed. Something about seeing the confused pup fall into his arms had clicked something in his head, and he didn't like it. "I have one hour and you are making it slightly difficult Jason." He told him but Jason could hardly see let alone form an argument. "Your consciousness seems to be rejecting me." He said. Jason's brow had started to sweat. This was his only time to form a plan. To react but the sight of the poor werewolf, curled up on his bed and reaching out for his hand made him feel strangely calm. "I'm fine. Just do whatever you need." Jason gasped.
Aamir considered it. He rose from his chair and went to walk out the door when he looked back. "I see your going to be a problem." He sighed and went back to tending to the werewolf.


The room was black. Scarlett lay on her bed staring at the ceiling. Collin was in his wolf form, curled up under the dresser. He had fallen asleep after returning from the library. Scarlett let out a long sigh and opened a book again. "You need to eat, Collin." She whispered. A low growl emerged from him, not mean but it was his was of saying "no thank you."

Scarlett got up and went downstairs. No one knew anything yet the house seemed so quiet. Like someone had died or the day after a party. As she ascended the stairs she saw Jason's door open. First she saw, then she felt him. Aamir. Sitting perched on a chair next to Jason's bed. Jason was laying there, covered in sweat, shaking and whimpering. Scarlett was about to go in and knock Aamir into next week but something inside her tugged her back and her mouth slam shut. "He is being taken care of." Her mind whispered, or was it hers?

Aamir was stroking Jason's hair and murmuring kind words. He wiped back his brown wet hair from his forehead and whispered something in an unknown language close to his ear, yet Scarlett knew what he was saying: "sweet werewolf woman, take off your pendant and have my heart." It was a spell. A spell of healing and a strong one at that. As soon as he had said it Jason's breathing evened and Aamir fell suddenly back limp from the chair. Scarlett raced in to catch him, falling to the ground to cradle his head in her lap. "Scar?" Lawrence replied. He was back. Why did Aamir use so much of his powers for Jason? Scarlett thought. "You haven't called me that in a while." She replied. He had called her that when they were children. "Sorry baby thought I'd change it up a bit." He said in his normal flirty voice. Scarlett shook her head. "Scar is better." She told him. "Your right. What happened?"
Scarlett looked up to Jason on the bed. "Jason fell ill," she lied. "I think you caught it and passed out." Lawrence looked confused but he nodded nether the less. Scarlett smiled at him and he did in return. A bright smile she hadn't seen in him for the last few days, but then her smile faded as dimly in his iris a wave of crystal blue washed up and sparked away. "What's wrong?" He asked. Scarlett summoned back her smile. "Nothing I hope."

That was the first day she had properly lied to him. White lies were fine but the way Aamir had looked at Jason, the way he spoke his spell, it made Scarlett dread for when the elders would arrive.

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