The Lovers Quarrel

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"They won't get the results back for a while so they are putting the games on and figuring it all out after." Collin said over breakfast. Scarlett nodded and took a sip of coffee. "Did you and Jason kiss?" Collin asked. Scarlett almost chocked then and there. "What?"
"You have that 'I got a Luna feel.'" Scarlett's eyes blew. "That's a thing?! Why didn't anyone...." Collin laughed. "Don't worry only higher ups can sense it."
"You had sex?!" Marcus screamed as he entered. "It's too early for this..." Jason said coming in behind him. He had his hand to his head. "Good morning." He told Scarlett. Jason walked over and put his arm around her and kissed her cheek. "Good morning two." She said back. "I'm not sure wether to aw or throw up." Scarlett slapped Marcus from across the table. "I need you healthy not throwing up." They all laughed together and Jason squeezed her shoulder.

Aamir coughed. He was standing in the stairs doorway. "Are you taking me to the track then Jason?" He asked. Jason was speechless. It was Aamir Aamir not Lawrence. Aamir sighed. "Because of the hole me using your powers thing you can see me like this now." Echoed in Jason's mind. Jason nodded and smiled. "What?" Echoed again. "Your very handsome now that I see you in sunlight." He thought. Aamir coughed again and Scarlett rolled her eyes. "You can get the bus with Marcus. Me and Jason will walk to school." There was a silence. Aamir walked closer to breakfast counter. "Marcus can't hold me back." He then made the water in their cups thrash and float up it o the air. Jason turned to Scarlett. "It's okay! I'll take Aamir and I'll walk with you tomorrow." He told her. Scarlett smiled and waited for a kiss but Jason had already turned around and grabbed Aamir by the wrist.


"I never should have told you." Aamir said out of the blue. He hadn't said anything since leaving the house. "Told me what?"
Aamir stopped and looked at him. "That Scarlett was your mate." Jason smiled at the memory. "Because I shouldn't make a habit of telling half truths." The smile faded. "What do you mean." Aamir sighed and grabbed Jason's hand. "Come this way." He said rushing to school. They got inside and went straight to the bathroom. Luckily they were the first there because when Aamir shoved Jason into the stall, locked the door and spun Jason up against it, someone would have heard. "There's a secret about werewolves they don't want you to know." He told him. Jason looked at him with concern. Aamir closed the toilet lid and sat down. They were still close but now there was enough room to think. "It's different with every creature. Humans can fall for multiple people, werewolves are meant for one person but gods.." Aamir looked up at Jason. He was about to get up and dismiss his sentence but Jason stepped forward. One leg between his knees and one knelt on the seat. He didn't know what possessed him (at this point he wouldn't be surprised if he was) but he brought his hands to Aamir's face. "Please tell me." He asked almost in a whisper. "Gods are above all else... the rules of nature in our world don't apply... if we want a mortal to be ours then we can chose for that person to be our 'mate,' even if they have one already." Jason swollowed hard. "What does that mean?" He asked. Aamir couldn't take it anymore. He pushed Jason back up against the door, his leg was still between Aamir's and his other want now raised in Aamir's hand. Jason looked up into his eyes. "It's interesting. When you were with her you told her to stop. When you found out you weren't with me you made it stop." He said softly. "Because when I'm with you I don't want it to stop." He was suprised he actually said it, maybe he was still drunk? But there wasn't much time to think about it because Aamir already kissed him. His mouth on his, hard and soft at the same time. Jason moaned into the kiss and he could feel Aamir smiling. He moved to his neck which made him louder. The school bell rang but he ignored it. "I've chosen you Jason... now you have a choice."


"Where's Aamir and Jason?" Marcus asked. They were out in the training area and the first trial was about to start. "I don't know." Scarlett said biting her lip. Seconds later they appeared. Scarlett looked back and smiled at Jason but then she saw something. Jason was looking to the side so she saw it, the red bruise that can only be explained by the person he was staring at so idoly.

"Aamir! Over here now!" She shouted. Aamir could already read her mind so he thought he'd add some fuel to the fire. "Oh here you've got..." he reached to the side and folded Jason's collar back over, showing the obvious finger shaped stretches in the fabric, then he gently brushed a slight cut of blood on his lip away and licked it from his finger. Scarlett grabbed the back of Aamir's shirt and pulled him to the side. "What were you doing to him?" She whispered. Aamir smiled. They were the same highs, on the same playing field. "You did so much research about my kind... don't you know what power I can inflict?" Scarlett was turning red from anger. "Yes but why him?!" Aamir opened his mouth then stopped. They both looked at each other for a moment. "I- I don't know."

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