The Bus

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Scarlet boarded the bus along with the rest of the pack. After the "existing" event last night, she knew there would be a fight. The thought of another pack on their territory was harmful to werewolves.

Today Emily would see the Sentinels train. It was supposed to be an honour for anyone to watch but Emily was only there to make sure Marcus wouldn't hurt himself.

As they sat on the bus Lawrence seemed more distant. Jason was quite and Collin was being praised. Scarlett kneeled on her seat to face the pack. "Hey! No one is attaching anyone today, understood?" She yelled sternly.

When no one said anything her eyes filled with fire again. "Yes Alpha!" Someone replied. Others agreed immediately. "Good." She said as she sat back down.

Jason was looking at his hands, changing their shape from a hand to a paw repeatedly. Scarlett grabbed his hand. "Don't, it will hurt eventually." She told him.

Jason looked at her sadly. "I'm sorry Scarlett. I didn't mean to upset you." He sighed. "It only upset me when you said you didn't want a Luna last night, not that that should effect your decision." He told her. Scarlett was confused at first.

"Why?" She asked gently. Jason grabbed her hand. "Because I-." Lawrence piped his head over the seats.

He put his hands on their shoulders. "So How is everyone?" He said loudly, scaring Scarlett. "Why are you sitting there? And don't scare people!" She told him. Jason fake laughed and put his hand over Lawrence's. "Your funny. Your a funny guy, but please go away, go back to your seat over there." As Jason spoke his claws sank into Lawrence's hand, but he didn't even flinch.

Lawrence laughed in response and Scarlett just looked at them like they were crazy. "Okay guys, Lawrence go back to your seat." She said. She was way too tired to deal with them today. Lawrence didn't budge. "You know Jason, I always thought you were into that one girl what's her name? It's on the tip of my tongue..." Lawrence said sarcastically. The bus ran over a speed bump and he fell back dramatically.

Scarlett pointed to his original seat and Lawrence did as told. "You like someone?" Scarlett asked with interest. Jason frowned.

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