Divergence bound

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I walk down the street toward the Abnegation gates.

I must admit that I'm glad to leave it all behind, memories of Marcus and all that, but there's a small part of myself wanting to stay in the life I've known, to stay safe.

But if Tori is right, and if my simulation is right for that matter, then there is no 'safe' for people like me. For Divergents.

I sigh. If I think like this I'll chicken out, so I keep walking. But that doesn't stop the thoughts. Everything is hitting me all at once. I'm leaving everything behind. But then I think, what am I really leaving behind? All my 'friends' are in Dauntless because I haven't met them yet, and Abnegation holds 50 bad memories to every good one. My family was never one to stay behind for, and Tris, or Beatrice for right now, won't remember us until she takes her simulation and gets to Divergence in two years.

With all these thoughts in my head, the silent walk is deafening.

When i finally get to the gates, I check my watch. 11:55. Good. That means Tori couldn't have already come and gone yet. I wait around for a bit until, at exactly midnight, she comes out from in between two buildings, flanked by a Erudite and two Dauntless.

I don't recognize the Erudite but the Dauntless, I realize are Shauna and Zeke. Strange. I didn't think they were Divergent. Then again it was only a simulation, so how well did I REALLY know them? Are they even still my friends? I guess we're about to find out.

"Tobias." Tori inclines her head to me, an Abnegation way of greeting.

"I didn't think you'd show up." She says, accusingly.

"Well I just think of my safety mustn't I?" I retort, mimicking her from earlier.

It seems a little harsh, but my thoughts from earlier have put me in a bad mood and Tori was never my favorite person anyway.

Her eyes go cold as she turns to keep walking. I left her speechless. Good. She has a mouth made for Candor, not Dauntless. She needed to be talked back to every now and then.

I walk with Zeke and Shauna, with the Erudite ahead of us and Tori ahead of her.

"Tobias right?" Zeke asks me. I nod.

"That's what I thought. You were in my simulation." I guess that means we ARE friends.

"Yeah," I say. "I didn't know you were Divergent though..." I trail off, telling him silently to fill the blank.

"I'm not." He says, "but Divergence runs in my family and Mom wanted me to be safe."

"Oh" I say. I turn my attention to Shauna

"You're Divergent?"

"No." She says.

"But I figure this one needs someone to keep a eye on him." She says while punching Zeke in the arm playfully.

Zeke in turn messes up her hair and runs ahead, knowing NO ONE touches her hair. She chases after him, and I just walk behind them chuckling a little and shaking my head. If everything about them from the simulation is right, and I'm assuming it is, they have feelings for each other, I just don't get why they don't get together already.

I smile as I watch them. I think of Tris and I. Two years may be a long time to wait on her, but I would wait a thousand years just to see her, so two years until we're together is nothing. Then my smile fades as I realize something. What if Tris doesn't choose Divergence?


Cliffhanger!! Sorta. I suck at this 😂 Sorry it's so short! this is really just a filler chapter but I have a REALLY long one that I'll post later tonight, I just had to do a short one before I cleaned my room XD

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