The new tattoo

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"So what are you getting?" Zeke asks for the hundredth time today.

"I don't know Zeke, that's why I'm looking through the folders." I say, rolling my eyes.

It's been almost a year since we came to Divergence, and during a game of truth or dare last night, I got dared to get a tattoo.

The Divergence compound has everything for every faction. A library, a tattoo parlor, a garden, a replica of the merciless mart, and a kitchen for people to make food to give to the factionless.

There's more of course, but those are just the main ones.

I look through the folder of tattoos. They're good, just none of them really look like me. I need something that is me. Because, c'mon, in wearing on my skin for the rest of my life.

I sigh and look over at the truck that sends supplies to us and takes the food for the factionless back to the city.

Then something hits me. I'm Divergent. I represent all factions. So, I should represent all factions on my skin.

I put the folder down and walk over to the woman who's been staring at me looking through the folders, making me pretty uncomfortable. I quickly describe how I want all the factions going down my back, tracing my spine, with flames on the sides. She nods and gets the needles ready.

Zeke comes back in. "Hey man, whatcha getting?"

I quickly describe him the tattoo, and just as I finish explaining, I feel the sharp pain of the tattoo needle.


My tattoo stings, but it looks amazing. I pay for it in points, which is the currency all factions use, and they try to make us feel 'as normal as possible' which is pretty hard considering we were all told that if we didn't come here we'd be in danger everyday of our lives.

I walk out and head to my apartment. As it turned out, Divergence is underground, so our entire compound is the size of the city above us, and with a compound that huge, it's easy to get lost.

I'm lost in my thoughts when I look up, and I have no idea where I am. It's deserted, so I have no one to ask. I sigh and keep walking, I'm bound to get back to the center of the compound at some point. I head up some stairs and suddenly see the bright light if the sun.

The sun?

Oh no I must be near the entrance. I start to climb back down, when I hear voices. It's been a year since I last heard it, but I would recognize it anywhere.


I head back up a little, the need to see her overwhelming me. The entrance is in between two buildings, camouflaged in such a way that you can't see it unless you are directly on top of it.

I slink out of the entrance and slink into the shadows of the buildings, I hear her again.

"Caleb it just doesn't come as naturally for me."

I shiver at her voice. It's low for a girls and careful.

"Just do what you have to do Beatrice." I hear Caleb and I instinctively clench my fists, then I realize I can't just go out and slug him and just lean against the wall.

"Never mind Caleb." She sounds exasperated.

What I wouldn't give to kiss her right now. She's so close, she's two feet away from me, walking. And in that moment I'm walking on air, she's so beautiful, even if shes in Abnegation clothes and has her hair tied up. Abnegation can never suppress her beauty. It shines through, brighter than the sun.

Wow, Tobias. I think to myself. That's the cheesiest thing you've ever thought of.

Then that moment ends, and she turns the corner along with her brother, and out of my sight. I sigh. That's the last time I'll see her in a year. Then that thought hits me again.

What if she doesn't choose Divergence?

I shake my head. If she doesn't I don't know what I'll do.

I she doesn't choose Divergence, I think, that was the last time I'll ever see her.

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