Mad at who?

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About 10 seconds after Will left, I got up and left too.

"Leaving?" Tris asks.

I don't even look back at her.

I'm so mad right now. But I don't know if I'm mad at her for saying yes, or for Will for trying to make a move on her, or at myself for not just telling Will to back off. Or maybe I'm mad at myself for not being the kind of guy that Tris would stay with. God I don't even know.

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I'm pacing in my apartment, letting the rage subside, when someone knocks.

God. Why!? Can't I just be left alone?

I stop pacing and head over to the door. Tris stands there, her blue eyes concerned, her blonde hair in a ponytail.

"What was that?" She doesn't sound mad, just curious and worried.

I sigh. "Nothing."

"Tobias." She says, putting a hand on my bicep and arching an eyebrow.

God. Fine.

I open the door wider and motion for her to come in.

She steps in and stands there with her arms crossed. Looking at me expectantly.

I don't know how to start. I don't want to accuse her, because I'm still not sure if I'm mad at her or not and because I don't want to start a fight, but I don't want to just act jealous when I know I don't have a reason to. She probably thinks it just a friend eating out with another friend. But I know he'll try something. I just know it. It's not that I don't trust her, I know any advances he'd try she'd shoot him down, I just don't like the thought of another guy trying to make a move.

I'll just be honest.

"You're having dinner with Will tomorrow night."

"Is that what this is about?" She uncrosses her arms and steps towards me. My arms move on the own accord when they wrap around her.

"We're just friends Tobias. You know that."

Phht. "He doesn't." I mutter.


"C'mere." I take her hand and lead her towards the couch.

Once we're sitting side by side, I start. "Ok. Don't interrupt before the end." She nods.

I tell her what had happened that day from when Will came in to the gym to when he left the cafeteria, and why I'm not that comfortable with their little 'dinner.' Before she can say anything, I add quickly, "It's not that I don't trust you. I do. I promise, I just don't like the thought of another guy trying anything."

She shakes her head a little, and before I know what's happening, she's in my lap, with her lips on mine. It only takes me a second to respond, kissing her back and wrapping my hands around her hips.

She pulls back a centimeter, and whispers, "If he tries anything, I'll tell him I'm taken, and my boyfriend will beat him up." We both laugh a little, then she looks into my eyes and gets serious. "I'm yours. And I always will be." I pull her mouth to mine again.

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