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I walk into the control room. I love my control room days. This is where I feel the most at home, where I'm happy.

I settle down into the chair, and I a minute later, the guy I'm supposed to be working with today comes in. Some kids look like their about to get into a fight, so I don't look behind me. Just send a "hey." Over my shoulder.

"Hey, bellboy." I hear behind me.

I turn around, and there stands Tris, in some dark skinny jeans and a tight tank top. I'm gonna say it again, she looked hot.

"Your day to work here?" I ask.

She smiles a little.

"Well obviously."

I let out a short laugh, then scoot over, and motion for her to take the seat next to mine. She sits down.

After a somewhat awkward silence, she asks, "So uh, do you know how to work this stuff?"

I laugh. "You don't?"

"Phht no." She says in a 'I'm too stupid for that' voice.

I smile at her. "C'mere, I'll show you."

"What?" She looks at me like I'm crazy.

I laugh again. "C'mere."

She stands and comes behind me.

"Ok so this is pretty simple. All we're doing is watching the compound, you probably know that, so when we see something that looks suspicious, like a fight about to start or someone coming up or down from the top side, we zoom in, like this," I zoom in on a bird that somehow got down here, and zoom back out.

"Kay," she says reaching around me and zooming in and out on the bird like I did.

I keep going, liking the feeling of talking to her, and she needs to know this stuff anyway.

"Then if you conclude it's nothing, you zoom out, like you just did, and continue watching the city."

She makes a "mh-hm" sound, sound close enough to my ear that I can feel the vibrations from it, and I want nothing more than to turn around and kiss her. But I keep still, knowing that I'll have to take things slow.

"If it is something, you press this button," I say, pointing at the orange button, "to start recording the event, the use the phone on the wall over there to call the leaders."

I turn around to face her, a satisfied look on my face from having her so close to me after so long.



(A/N hahaha I had to XD )

"That's not hard." she mutters.

"It's not." I say, laughing.

She just sticks her tongue out at me and sits down.

The rest of the time passes in comfortable silence, until our shift is up and the replacements walk in.

But I don't want to leave. I want to stay with her, enjoy that feeling I get whenever I look at her or feel her next to me.

"So uh," I begin 'great start Tobias.' I think.

"You, um wanna go get something to eat?" I ask, hopeful.

"Yea sure." She says casually.

Is that a good thing like shes comfortable with me or is that a bad thing like it's really no big deal?

Oh god I'm sounding like a woman.

"Where to?" I ask.

She shrugs. "I haven't been to the place next to the apartment building yet."

That's a burger place. My mind drifts back to the simulation initiation, when she'd first seen a hamburger.

Tris sits down, in between me and the Candor, Christina. She looks at the burger between on her plate and pinches it between her fingers, unsure what to make of it. I stifle a smile. I was the exact same way.

"It's beef." I say, "put this on it." I push her a bowl of ketchup.

"You've never seen a hamburger before?" Christina asks, incredulous.

"No," Tris says, "is that what it's called?"

"Stiffs eat plain food." I say to Christina.

"Why?" She asks. But before I can answer, Tris cuts in.

She shrugs a little."Extravagance is considered self-indulgent and unnecessary."

Christina lets out a short laugh. "No wonder you left."

Tris rolls her eyes. "Yea, it was just because of the food.

"Let's go." She says.


After we eat, we just hang out in the hall between our rooms. She seemed to know what a hamburger was this time, probably due to the simulation, but she still wasn't sure how to actually eat it.

And I teased her for it. She shoved my arm when I teased her because I literally had to show her how to eat it.

"Shut. Up." She said, but she was laughing.

I laughed, then just watched her as her laughter turned to small giggles, which eventually died out.

She's so beautiful.

Especially when she's happy.

Especially when I'm the reason she's happy.

I can't help it. I lean down.

And I kiss her.

But the best part is, she kissed me back.

"It took you long enough." She mutters against my lips.

"Well you were the one playing hard to get." I say, not pulling away.

"I wasn't sure if you remembered." She says.

I let my lips leave hers, just enough to look her in the eyes.

"I could never forget you." I press my lips to hers again.

My VI is back.

------------------------------------------ Yayyyy they finally kissed! Sorry bout the title I don't know. I'm like drunk off Dr. Pepper right now PLUS I couldn't think of a better one XD Anyyyywaaaaayyy I might do a fluff chapter, but I'm not sure how that would turn out, cuz like, I've never really done fluff, or as my friend calls it 'fluffy fluffy fluff' or sometimes it's 'fluffy fluffy fluffers' so yea XD ok I'm leaving it up to you guys: should I do a fluff chapter?

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