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After that night, I didn't see her for a few days. I finally saw her at one of the clothing stores with Christina, in a black dress that hugged her body.

I'm just gonna say it, she looked hot. The dress hugged her from her upper body, all the way until it stopped mid-thigh. God she was beautiful.

And Christina was obviously trying to tell her that, but she was just shaking her head and heading into the dressing room.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Leave it to Tris to not recognize pure beauty when it's right in front of her.

The next day I was walking home from work (gym trainer today) and saw her come out of a store, with who I thought was Christina, but when I looked again, it was Al.

No. I'm not letting him hurt her. I'm not even gonna let him get close to her. Not again. I know it was a simulation, but I still feel like if he gets close enough to be her friend again he'll just hurt her like last time. And I will not allow it.

When I was about to approach them though, they waved and she went into the building that all the new kids were staying at for now, and Al walked into a bar.

I almost followed him, but I really didn't want to seem like I was controlling her life when in reality, he's talked to her more than I have. So I just shook my head and walked away.

I saw her a few days later. In the lobby of my apartment building, about five bags around her. She was talking to the lady at the front desk, getting a key. A key. She was moving into the same apartment building as me. I felt almost giddy about it, but I played it cool and just walked over to her.


"Me?" She looked confused, kind of glancing around her, to make sure I was talking to her.

"Oh uh, hi." She said, looking at her shoes.

I smiled a little. She's cute when she's all flustered.

"Need some help with those?" I ask, pointing at the bags.

"Um, sure."

I could sense some sort of awkwardness between us, and I wasn't sure if was coming from one or both of us, but I still picked up three of her bags.

And almost dropped them.

"Jesus! You've been here a week and a half! How much shopping did you do!?"

She laughed a little. God her laugh was sexy.

"My friend likes to shop, and lately I've been her personal Barbie doll."

"No kidding." I muttered, picking up the bags. Jeez Christina works fast.

"What floor?" I ask, wondering how long I had to carry the five ton bags.

"Three." She replied.

She was on the same floor as me. I got that giddy feeling again, but pressed it down when I realized we hadn't had much of a conversation yet.

"Ok." I started towards the stars, since I never took the elevator. I didn't like the feeling of going up. I liked it better when I could just pretend like I was walking.

She followed me, carrying the smaller (and probably lighter) of the bags.

"What's your name?" She asks me.

She doesn't know my name. Damn it. That's what I was a afraid of. She doesn't remember me. She doesn't remember us, or what we had. I have to start over again.

"Tobias." I said over my shoulder.


"Tris." She said.

"That a nickname?" I ask, just to aggravate her.

"So what if it is?"

I laugh a little.

"Not many parents name their kids 'Tris'."

"Fair enough." She said.

"So what's your real name?" I ask, when we reach the third floor.

"What's it to you?" She asks, giving me a suspicious look.

"Can a guy not ask a simple question without getting snapped at? Jeez, what's this world coming to?" I was getting on her nerves and I knew it, it was just amusing.

She gives me another look, as if deciding weather or not to trust me, then says, "Beatrice.. but don't call me that."

"Got it." I said, winking at her. She rolled her eyes, but her face got red and she smiled a little, although she tried to hide it by turning away from me slightly.

She gets ahead of me, and I follow her to 374, where she uses the key to unlock it.

The rooms are fully furnished, so all she needs is food, clothing and bathroom stuff.

"Oh good! Now I don't have to go furniture shopping!"

I laugh. "I'm not even sure we have furniture stores."

She lets out a small laugh, "I'm not either."

She throws the bags on the floor and plops on the couch, exhausted. I laugh a little and put the bags down next to hers.

I want to talk to her,to sit next to her. To hold her close to me and kiss her.

But I can't. What a really need to do is talk to her, to see if I can jog some memories, but I wouldn't know how to do that.

So I don't do either.

"I'm uh, I'm in 375, just across the hall if you need anything." I say backing out, because I really didn't know what else to do.

"Wait." She says getting up, and digging through her bags, while I linger just outside her door.

She comes over to me and hands me some money, worth about two points.

"Wha-" I begin to ask, but I'm cut off by her kissing my cheek.

"Thanks, bellboy." She laughs a little before shutting the door.

I chuckle and shake my head. At least I got money.

And reassurance.

She remembers me. That one kiss was all I needed. And somehow, I will get my VI back.


Hi! Sorry this took a while, but my wifi is completely jacked up, so I'm at my moms office (she's a dentist) using the wifi XD ok so what'd you guys think of this? I really don't like it because I can't really see them joking around with each other like they do in this, but I couldn't come up with anything else... Sooooo yea. Comment what you think please!

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