After the date.

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I'm sitting in my apartment, just kind of thinking. Tris didn't let Will do anything. He tried holding her hand several times, but every time she pulled her hand away. Once, after dinner when they were just hanging out in the gardens, he tried to kiss her, and I was prepared to run to the gardens to tell him that she's taken, but before he got too close, she backed up. After a while, he tried again. She put her hands on his shoulders and said that she'd rather them be "just friends."

I smirk at the memory. I love how loyal she is. I love how I can trust her. I love her.

After she rejected him, they kind of wandered out of the gardens, and walked home. I spent the next four hours doing nothing because it was about one A.M. and nobody in their right mind was awake.

Finally around five, a very tired looking replacement comes in, with about a gallons worth of coffee in a mug.

Sucks to be that guy.

I go to my apartment, wanting nothing more than to crash on the bed. So that's exactly what I do.

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I wake up around noon. That sleep felt nice. Then I smell something. Food?

I walk into the living to see Tris paying the pizza guy.

I smile. Of course she knew I slept in. And of course she bought food. God you gotta love this girl.

I walk up behind her and slide my arms around her, making her jump a little.

"Thank you." I mummer in her ear.

She turns, facing me. "I owed you from my friendly dinner."

I smiled as she slid out of my arms and grabbed some paper plates.

We had really only just reintroduced pizza to Chicago, so the only kind we had so far was cheese. Not that I'm complaining, pizza was pizza. And pizza was good. (A/N Idek. It 2 A.M here. Just go with it.)

We just ate and talked, then we watched a movie called 'The Fault in Our Stars'. It was extremely sappy and I lost interest after about five minutes. After those five minutes, I just watched Tris enjoy it. That movie was extremely fucked up. For one, it was a love story, which I hate, and two, Tris and the leading girl looked a lot alike, and Caleb and the leading guy looked a lot alike, and then the two characters started going out and it just got really weird for me.

By the end, Tris is crying and I'm trying not to laugh.

She glares at me.

I finally bust out laughing.

"What?" I ask in between laughs.

"You think that was funny? That was the most depressing thing ever!"

"I wasn't laughing at the movie. It was just the way your emotions changed throughout the movie. I mean Tris, I love you, but it's a movie."

She shoves my arm.

"That movie was sad! I mean come on, 'I do Augustus, I do.' That didn't make you feel anything!?"

"Not really."

She shakes her head at me.

"Your unbelievable."

I quirk my eyebrows at her. "Thank you."

She just rolls her eyes at me and starts to get up.

"Where're you going?"

"Home. I'm pretty tired."

From my spot on the couch, I grab her waist and pull her back down. She lands on top of me. Perfect.

"If you're tired, you can always stay here." I whisper against her cheek.

I feel her smile as my lips brush against her cheek.

"You know I'd love to, but I have to go to work tomorrow." She's says as she crawls off me.

I stand up and follow her to the door. She's turning the handle when I turn her around and press my lips to hers.

"You didn't think you'd get away that easy did you?" I mumble, not taking my lips off hers.

"I knew you wouldn't let me." She laughs.

I lick her bottom lip, asking for entrance, but she pulls away. I make a face at her.

"I have to go."

I roll my eyes at her. "Fine."

She's turns back to the door when I get an idea.

"Tris?" She turns back around.

"Dinner tomorrow night?"

She smiles. "I'm going out with Will tomorrow night."

She must have read the anger and sadness on my face because she starts laughing. "I'm kidding. I get off at 5. Anytime after that."

"5:30?" I ask.

She smiles. "Patience. You don't want to seem over eager."

I smile back at her. "Right. That's why I said tomorrow. I want to see you tonight, but I'm willing to wait all night and much of tomorrow."

(A/N I couldn't help it!)

She rolled her eyes. "5:30 works."

She closed her door then. I let my smile remain. I'm not willing to wait, more like being forced to wait. But I get to see her, and that's enough for me.


I changed my name because Divergent is the only thing I know how to write and I probably won't write anything else. I might change it back when I figure out how to write other stuff but for now... Yea XD

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