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I wrote this in about ten minutes and didn't really proof read it so sorry for any mistakes!

Oh no. I run around Zeke, hoping it wasn't Tris. She wouldn't be so stupid would she? No she wouldn't. She would know better.

Unless she wanted to see her family. That blinds her a lot, causing her to do things she wouldn't normally do.

I shake my head. It wasn't Tris. It couldn't have been.

I come out of the building and head towards the center of the compound, where everyone gathers for anything big, and this is probably considered big.

I run towards the crowd of people, and see Tris, crying.

Oh thank god.

I run forward and wrap her in my arms. She turns her face to my chest and cried harder, her hands clutching my shirt.

I raise my face from her hair and look at what everyone is around.

Damn. I should've known. It's Al.

He has three shots in his abdomen, and one in his head, probably the killing shot, as the other three could have healed, with some major medical help.

"- Suicide."

I catch the end of a sentence. And turn my head.

"What?" I ask.

"It was a suicide." A light haired boy says.

"He went topside and got shot, but he was the one who shot himself in the head."

Tris lets out a giant sob into my chest. I turn my head back to her and kiss her hair.

"I know it hurts, and I'm not going to tell you it's going to be okay, because I know it feels like it won't, but I will tell you that you'll make it through this. You will. Because that's who you are. Because your strong"

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