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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but like I said, I wasn't really a sure where to go with this, but now I have a rough idea so here we go :)
My alarm goes off at 8:30. I groan and roll over. I hit it before siting up a little and running a hand through my hair. Why the fuck did I set my alarm so early? Then I remember. Tonight, I will finally find out if I get to see Tris again.

The thought makes me smile as I get up to change. I'm still grinning as I walk into the cafeteria as I sit down with Zeke and Shauna

"What are you all happy about?" Shauna asks tiredly, shooting me a weird look.

Before I can answer, Zeke cuts in.

"He finally gets to see his girlfriend after two years. Better get used to it, because he'll be like this all day." Zeke laughs.

I elbow him a little, but don't wipe the smile off my face.

"Shut up." I say.

He grins. "Hey man seriously, I'm excited too."

I shoot him a look. "Why?"

He shouldn't be as excited as I am about Tris coming, but he looks it.

He laughs again.

"Ok 1," he says, "Chill, I don't have a thing for your girlfriend. In all honesty she scares me. And 2, Uri's coming tonight."

"Oh yea." I say.

He laughs yet again and we continue eating and talking like normal.

After breakfast I wander around the compound and the day passes



When it's finally around 1, I watch through my third story window of my apartment building for the group that Tori will lead, as she denied my request to lead them to the compound. And I see her. After a year that seemed like eternity, (A/N only one year because he saw her that one day when he went above ground.) I see her. Tris. My Tris. My beautiful Tris.

I start to smile like a idiot, even though she can't see me because it's after midnight, and all the lights are off.

She's still in her Abnegation clothes, with her blonde hair in a bun, but she still looks beautiful. Her beauty is the kind that not even Abnegation can suppress.

She's walking with Christina, Will, and........Al? Oh, no. He's NOT getting close to her again. I will not let it happen.

Ahead of them are Peter and his cronies, along with a Erudite I don't recognize, then a group of Candor and Amity, and lastly a group of Dauntless, Uriah,Lynn, and Marlene included, walking with Tori.

The new Divergents all stop talking when Tori turns around, telling them where they'll sleep until they find rooms, what's where. Stuff like that. Then she dismisses them and walks back towards the gates. Good. No more Tori until next year.

The newbies all start walking toward the dormitories Tori showed them.

I'm watching Tris, Will, and Al laugh at something Christina says, when Tris stops to tie her shoe, and waves her friends on. She ties her shoe then straitens, but instead of walking to catch up like I thought she would, she looks directly at me and gives me a smile with a mischievous glint to it, and walks on.

I groan. God this girl has so much control over me, and she knows it. But at least that took care of the question of weather she'd remember me or not. I smile at the thought of her. Then laugh a little.
My Tris had finally come home.

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