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Hey guys, im terribly sorry i havent updated and i promise this time i do have a valid reason. Ive been really busy with school stuff, this week i just had 2 big tests and a lot of projects and stuff but i promise that i am going to take out my laptop and finish writing the new chapter RIGHT NOW! I know im such a bad updater and i feel bad for making you guys wait so much. Love u! Sorry for the wait xxxxxxx

PS. Follow me on twitter @LouBearxx19

I use that account a lot and yeah... It can also be a way to tweet me like: "Hurry up and update your fanfic, like what the shemurr?"

That would actually be really helpful haha well

One love, BlueCupcake14

And now, tally ho! Off to write!

Story Of My LifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora