A new Friend

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I hurried inside and watched as Benson quickly locked the door behind us.

"You're freaking me out Ben what is it?"

"So I did some digging after you asked me to help you with the investigation of Christina Taylor's murder and when I was cleaning out your room at the hospital I found something. It was a crumpled piece of paper. Here look what it says."

I grabbed the paper and straightened it out. It read, Zoey don't trust anyone and don't trust Chayton Colby. He will come for you.

"Who is Chayton Colby?"

"I don't know but maybe that's the name of the man that rapped her."

"Yeah! You're probably right! Okay that's a good start. We have a name."

"I'm searching him up right now. Uhh.. Zoey."

"What is it?"

"Nothing came up. Not even one link."

"That's weird let me see. You're right. He probably knew someday someone would be on to him so he made sure he got rid of everything and anyone that would get in his way."

"Wait what?"

"Oh yeah you don't know. Don't be mad but there was a real reason why I was on top of the roof." I explained to Benson everything that Christina had told me.

"That explains why you want to help her but you should be going back to the police and telling  them what Christina told you?"

"I'm not telling the police because why would they believe a girl who is enrolled in a mental hospital?"

"Yeah but maybe they will."

"Ben if you never met me and you never worked at the hospital would you believe me?"

"Uhh well I would probably-"

"Would you Ben?"

"No. I wouldn't."

"See this is why I have to do this."

"Since we don't know anything about this Chayton Colby now we're back to square one."

He sighed and brushed his fingers through his hair. "I knew it wasn't going to be this easy. I'll try to talk to people at the hospital to figure out if they know anything else on Christina and do more digging on her."

I wanted to tell Benson about Pandora especially since she was checked into the hospital but I knew I couldn't tell him yet.


It was time for me to get back to group therapy sessions again and I honestly didn't want to go. My head was still spinning over everything that me and Ben and figured out so far. I had to find out who Pandora was before it was too late but I have no clue who she could be. Taking out my notebook, I started to write things down to help figure out who she could be. Someone's hand touched my shoulder and I jumped making the hairs in the back of my neck stand up. I turned around. Phew. Just Cam.

"Someone's a little jumpy this fine morning. What's wrong?"

"Nothing just had a bad dream that's all." I kept seeing the note and hearing Christina's voice in my head all night. Don't trust anyone. He will come for you. It was driving me crazy. Maybe I needed a break from this investigation for a bit. I mean It seemed crazy don't trust anyone? How could I not trust Cam? He's been the greatest friend I've had in a long time.

"What do you think we're going to do today?"

"I have no idea but I hope it's not another let's get to know each other exercise. I'm pretty sure all of us know each other's names forwards and backwards by now."

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