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"I've never had sushi" I admitted, looking over at Ryan. His eyes widened but he kept them on the road. Chris and Matt sat in the back.

"Seriously?" Matt gasped. I nodded, hoping he would see my messy bun shaking.

"Well, you're gonna have it" Matt demanded. I shook my head while a small smile grew on my face. I was excited.

When we arrived, we all hopped out of the car ans hurried in. They placed us speedily and I snapped open the menu.

I say next to Chris and Ryan and Matt say across from us. If course, Matt pointed out he did it on purpose.

"Do you come here often?" He whispered in a deep voice, wiggling his eyebrows. I giggled, making him chuckle.

"Should we leave you two alone?" Ryan joked. We both simultaneously flipped him off, making everyone burst into uncontrollable, annoying laughter.


The entire time I had to keep myself from staring at her. I was off my game and I kept- blushing? When have I ever done that?

She kept cracking jokes and laughing sweetly at other ones. My stomach was a gymnast by the time we got back to the apartment.

I didn't know what it was with her. She made me smile. Her happiness tainted me with a feeling I didn't know how to pin. Good? Awful?

I wanted her to wrap a blanket around me again or just sleep in my bed. I loved her smell, like cotton candy; sweet.

"Chris? Are you okay?" she whispered as we sat on the couch. Matt and Ryan had gone to edit. Her soft voice flooded my ears and I melted.


"Great" he replied in that deep voice of his. I couldn't breath around him. I hope he felt the same way. In a healthy way at least.

"It's late, I should go to bed" I sighed, standing up and stretching my arms. He didn't look at me as I set up some blankets and pillows on the couch.

I wanted to sleep in his bed again.

Lightning struck.

"What? In California?" I asked myself, dashing the window and pressing myself against it. I adored storms as long as I was inside. Chris, on the other hands, look like he shit himself.

"Okay, I lied. I'm not okay. I hate storms" he shuddered, the giant blanket wrapped around his shoulders like armor. I stared at him for a minute.

"I can lay with you. To keep youse from lightning monsters" I teased, wiggling my fingers. He growled at me. "Okay, really. I can if you want"

He nodded with a shy smile and we shuffled to his room. I hopped in his bed and took all the covers to myself. He frowned and fought for them.

I ended up on top of him, holding him instead of a blanket. I smirked.

"I could sleep like this" I moaned. He blushed madly. I giggled and rolled to his side. He hit my shoulder gently and pouted. I crawled under the blanket with him.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and he held my shoulders. We shared heat as thunder struck loudly outside. He didn't seem too afraid this time.

Sorry for the short chapter. Wrote more to it but it got lost and I'm very lazy. Sorry.

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