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Another cackle emerged from the living room as I squirmed in the chair in Chris's room. He sat quietly at his desk, drawing the new thumbnail for the newest series. I tried to stay focused on the book in front of me, but I just couldn't.

"Don't you listen to music while you draw?" I asked. He shook his head.

"It's not good to. Working in silence makes the product better" he mumbled. I sighed and looked back down at the page I had read atleast four times. Ryan laughed again.

"I'm going to get something to eat. Do you want anything?"

"No" he replied harshly. I set my book down gently and silently left his bedroom.

It took everything in me not to break down. It took every bone in my body not to fall to the floor and let it all out. And it worked.

"Hey loser" Matt jokingly taunted. I flipped him off and moved to the fridge.

"Our friend Y/n is here y'all. Don't mind her, she's just being a stupid" Ryan said into the mic with a silly voice. Matt giggled.

"Very funny faggot. I'm taking your chicken" I shouted as I walked towards his room. There was no way I was going back in there with Chris.

"Fuck! Come on!" I heard Ryan shout as I shut the door. I took off the paper towel and set it to the side, peeling off a peice and eating it.

Slowly, a tear fell down my face. She through clogged.I couldn't hold it in any longer.

I spilled my emotions on Ryan's bed. Tears fell on his very comforter.

I'm sure I could be heard from out there when they turned off the game. I heard Ryan leave to go pick up water.

"I'm coming in" Matt said as he clicked open the door. I put the plate on the nightstand and shoved a pillow over my face. The bed shifted to my right as he sat down.

"What the help happened?" He asked, rubbing my arm. I sniffled.

"You talked to Chris when I left, right? So why is he so mad?" I asked, voice craking. I pulled the pillow away and wiped my eyes.

"Because he thinks your mad. Chris is and idiot. You know that" he grinned. I shoved his shoulder and smiled.

"He's got no fucking brains in the big head and doesn't understand. I guess. And he hasn't had a girlfriend in a while" Matt explained. I giggled.

"That makes me feel mighty special" I sniffed. He pulled the pillow away from me and got up, motioning me to follow him back to the couch.

"He'll come out and apologize when he sees you" he whispered. I groaned at him and plopped on the couch. He turned on Netflix and we started watching The Office.

Soon the door to Chris's room opened and he looked over at us. I knew there were still red bags under my eyes because he looked shocked. I tried not to look at him.

"I'm sorry" he sighed. I titled my head towards him and wiped my eyes.

"I'm sorry"

"I'm not" Matt grinned. I slapped his elbow. He shrieked, making me laugh.

"Can you like.. go for a second?" Chris asked, shoving his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt. Matt smirked as he went to his room.

"I've been a peice of shit to you and we barely know eachother. I just want to make it up to you somehow" he said, looking over at me. A smile crossed my lips.

"We could go take a walk and actually get to fucking know eachother, retardo" I giggled, getting up and interlocking our arms. He smiked down at me as we made our way to the door.

But someone made it there before us.

"Uh.." Ryan began, staring at us from the other side of the door. My heart stopped.

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