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"You should probably update you weeb" -my sister

As soon as I heard that Chris wanted me to record with them I jumped off the couch and dances excitedly around the apartment.

When he arrived, he looked at me like I was insane.

"We're playing a video game, not winning the lottery" he said. I slammed the door shut and quickly clicked my seat belt in.

"I'm excited, Chris! Let me be!" I whined. He chuckled and shrugged, turning towards the road and driving back towards the office.

"So, you didn't tell anyone about this morning, did you?" I asked quietly. I wasn't sure how he felt about the whole situation.

I rubbed my forhead. I was over thinking- like usual. Why would he kiss me if he didn't want to?

"Nope. Like you warned me with your fucking death glare" he shivered. A giggle escaped me. He smiled at the sound.

"I mean, wouldn't it be weird if everyone knew? Or is it just me?" I asked, moving my hands from he forhead to arms. Goosebumps popped up from no where.

"I thought it was pretty great"

"That's only because you haven't kissed a girl before"

"I have!" He whined. I giggled again, poking his side. He squirmed, swerving the wheel a little bit hitting nothing. He gasped dramatically.

"Did you really?" I asked, getting increasingly nervous. His hand rested on my shoulder, sending shivers throughout my body.

"You wanna do it again?" He asked with excitment. I rolled my eyes, leaning over and packing his cheek. He blushed.



"So you're Matt and Ryan's friend? You hang out with Chris a lot though" Dan pointed out. I shrugged nervously.

"Really? I guess. I want to hang out with them but they're so busy" I sighed. He nodded with pity.

"Chris likes you anyways. As a friend I mean!" He laughed. I let out one too. "He talks about you" he shrugged.

I stated back at him. He did? I'm pretty sure friends didn't talk in a good way about other friends. Maybe I'm just in a toxic friendship. I smiled for a moment.

"Gotta run" Dan waved, walking towards Brian, who was now waiting at the edge of the hall. I watched until they disappeared.

A spun around to head to Matt and Ryan's office, but was greeted by Julian. He smiled brightly at me.

"Wanna come eat with us? We're fucking starving" he groaned. I nodded, joining his side as we made our way back to the recording room.

"Does Chris talk about me?" I asked suddenly. He didn't miss a beat, he continued walking while he thought.

"Yeah. He does. Why?" I stared down.

"Dan said he does. I just didn't think I was worth talking about. Especially in the eyes of our lord Chris O'Nipple" I chuckled. Julian began to laugh.

"Well, yeah. He thinks you're amazing" he replied. The tone of him voice told me that maybe Chris talked about me a lot.

I blushed.

We reached the room where Chris and DD were talking. I stood in the doorway until we left.


"Shut up!" Chris shouted with a mouthful of food. Without even looking at him and placed my hand under his jaw and pushed it up, closing his mouth.

"Mom, stop it" he whined when he swallowed his food. I grinned. "Tell Dingle that I don't appreciate his mean words"

"Tell Chris he smells like a-"

"Okay! Okay! We get it!" I laughed. I stabbed my fork into my salad. I shook my head with a grin.

I could feel Chris lean closer to me as DD and Julian began a conversation amongst themselves. I smiled and held his empty hand.

"Do you know I like you. Like, a lot?" He whispered. I smiled up at him and nodded.

"I like you a lot too"

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