Chapter 3

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Author's note: SUP TO MY ONE FOLLOWER, anyway I hope you guys like the story so far. If you have any suggestions then comment. OKKKKKIIIIEEEE DOOOKKKKIIIIEEEE.

~*MICHAEL*~ (ooh spicy a different point of view) ~*btw this is when they get home after Rebecca chooses Luke*~

All I could do is cry. That sounds stupid and babyish but I really loved her. And I thought she loves me too.

"Michael," I hear Ashton. I wiped my face.

"I am so stupid!" I shout running my hands through my hair. I thought I meant something.

"No, no you're not man. You're letting Luke get to you, he's just going to sleep with her then leave. We all know it," Calum chips in. This isn't helping me. My best friend, the girl I thought I loved was kissing some other guy.

"Shut up, Calum." Ashton pushes Calum and sits next to me.

"You know it's true!" he almost shouts before smacking his legs and walking into the bathroom.

"What have I done?" I ask them. Well, just Ashton now.

"Listen, she's blind-" starts Ashton before I interrupt him.

"She's always been blind, always will be," I roll my eyes.

"What I was going to say, before you cut me off," he glared, "We'll just have to show her the man-whore he really is. I mean like expose him!"

"Why? She still chose him. She chose the man whore who just started talking to her over me, her bestfriend since like kindergarten, it's too late. I should've made my move earlier now I've screwed shit up," I rub my temples and stand up.

"Bro, where are you going?" he asks, repeating my actions. He follows me into the kitchen and I take some Ibuprofen.

"Just for one second, just one measly second. I do not want to think about how my best friend, girl I was in love with, chose someone else. Okay? I'm fucking tired of it!" I'm yelling now as I storm out the door to the car. I get in the car, starting it and pull out my phone, connecting it to the charger.

"For fuck's sake," I lay my head back on the seat and think. Should I call Becca? What if Luke was still there? Luke. I am going to ruin that little bastard. He will rue the day he ever stole her away from me. What am I talking about? God, I feel crazy. My phone rings and I answer it,

"Hey mom," I say, trying to not sound different.

"Hey! Remember, church tomorrow with the Hemmings, Irwins, Hoods, and what's that girl's last name-" she starts.

"Jonston." I state. Of course I know this. Remember? Ex-lover.

"Oh yes them too. I want you to be home tonight-" I interrupt her again.

"I'm staying at a friend's house," I say. I might, I might not.

"Ok," she sighs, "Meet me at the church tomorrow morning then. Please be there at 7:45ish or 8:00ish."

"Got it, love you." She repeats the phrase. I love you. I love Becca. Ugh, stop thinking about her. I hang up.

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