Chapter 16

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    Luke goes inside and I’m left outside, confused as fuck. Did he still like me? Why? “Forever”? I don’t know, Michael said he’d love me forever but look where we’re at. He hates me, I think I’m losing feelings. I mean, yeah I still love him, but it’s not both of us anymore. It’s just me. I decide I should go back inside and when I do, everyone is awkwardly sitting apart. I furrow my eyebrows.

    “What did I miss?” I ask.

    “I think- um- I think I should go,” Crystal says, standing up drunkenly.

    “Everyone here is drunk Crystal, just stay, go to sleep and worry about whatever tomorrow. Okay?” I say and she just nods and sit on the ground. Then lays down and immediately falls asleep.

    “What happened with that?” I ask and everyone just avoids my eyes. “Luke?” I look at him and he’s just getting blankets and pillows out of the closet and throws them at people. About thirty minutes into a movie, only Luke and I are awake.

    “This movie isn’t that good,” he says sipping another beer.

    “How does Michael always have so much beer?” I ask. He just shrugs and I roll my eyes. I hated being on the outside, “Dude what in the actual fuck? All night, everyone has been ignoring me or acting weird. What did I do?” I ask.

    “It’s nothing you did-” he says but I interrupt him.

    “Then why the fuck am I getting ignored?” I say, standing up angrily.

    “Becca, sit down. You’re drunk, you need to sleep,” he says standing up and walking towards me.

    “Tell me why everyone in this room hates me,” i say getting louder.

    “Becca, you need to calm down. No body hates you,” he says.

    “Bullshit.” I say, scoffing. My eyes sting with tears.

    “Becca, sit down.” he says and I fall immediately into his arms. Not on purpose, but I’m so exhausted I just fall and I think I fell asleep.


    I wake up on the floor somehow next to Avery even though she was on the couch. I sit up and Michael is gone. I stand up and stretch before checking the time. 5:43 a.m.

    “Wake up!” I say, half-yelling. I walk over to the coffee machine in the corner on top of the end table and start some coffee.

    “It’s too early,” Ashton mumbles.

    “I have coffee,” I say and I see him sit up some.

    “You’ve convinced me,” he says and grabs a cup, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. I stand awkwardly next to me.

    “What?” I say.

    “Nothing,” he shrugs.

    “Fuck this,” I say, grabbing my coat and walking upstairs. I was tired of being treated like I was a child. I wasn’t. “Michael?” I say, whispering, but also yelling.

    “Becca come back,” Ashton says from downstairs. I decide that I should just leave, and I walk outside to see Michael’s car gone. Today was our sixth month anniversary and he was nowhere to be seen. Great. Just great. I get in my car and immediately start crying. I was just tired of the stress and it felt like I hadn’t slept at all for years. I wanted Michael back. I wanted him to hold me so I’d fall asleep. Maybe he was off getting me something when I realize I hadn’t gotten him anything. I go to walmart and buy a thing of red hair dye and a couple of band tees and a bag to put it in before buying a monster and some candy and leaving. I get in the car and eat the candy and start drinking my monster before driving off to school.

    “Hey,” Bryana says awkwardly when I get inside. I ignore her and go to my locker. I take a deep breath and grab my stuff. “Becca I need to tell you what’s going on. No one else wants to, but I have to.”

    “What?” I say and turn around and she looks tired too.

    “Listen-” but before she can finish Calum and Ashton come over and start talking. I roll my eyes before one of them can even speak.

    “Becca,” Bryana almost pleads.

    “Calum, Ashton. Honestly, shut the fuck up for one second,” I say and Ashton awkwardly looks to the ground and then whispers something into Bryana’s ear.

    “She deserves to fucking know!” Bryana says angrily and then stomps off.

    “Know what?” I say.

    “Nothing,” Calum shrugs.

    “I swear to God, the next person to answer me with ‘nothing’ is going to get throat chopped,” I say annoyed and slam my locker, leaving. I see Michael enter, looking dazed and walk over to him.

    “Hey,” he mumbles.

    “Hey. I’m excited for tonight,” I say, trying to stay positive. He looks confused and almost… was he surprised?

    “Um…” and he walks off. That’s all he has to fucking say. Maybe this was all apart of the plan. Make me think that he doesn’t care, but then he makes a huge deal and surprises me? I secretly crossed my fingers that was the case as I walked off to my first class. I won’t bore you with the details of my classes but they mainly consisted of me ignoring people. At lunch, I sat in my car and ate another bag of candy I had bought earlier. No one has even tried talking to me anymore. They had all given up.

    I felt tears stream down my face and checked the time. I had to get back inside before anyone noticed. I quickly wipe my face and give up on trying to keep the makeup look. I walk inside and get stares from everyone but I shrug them off and walk to my sixth period with Luke and he’s obviously worried.

    “Becca. What is it?” he asks quietly.

    “Fuck off Luke,” I answer, doodling on the side of my paper.

    “Michael has big plans for tonight,” he says and I look up at him and I give him a confused look, “Um.. yeah, big plans.”

    I don’t care if he’s lying or not, I smile. What if he did? Luke smiles back at me and I get excited. Big plans? I wonder what they were and I just can’t manage to stop smiling. I couldn’t wait for tonight. There were big plans.

(A.N; It’s only 10 p.m but I’m tired as hell and I promised myself I would upload on the weekend so here ya go :) I really want to finish this so I can start working on my sequel. I’ll finish this one, start another one and when the other one is finished I’ll start posting the sequel but I’m so excited for it. Make sure to vote if you like it and i love y’all so much I’M POSTING TOMORROW TOO SO BE READy FOR SOME DRAMA!!!)

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