Chapter 17

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Throughout the whole day I was so excited for the night. What would we do? Would it be romantic? I really hoped it’d be. At the end of the day MIchael sent me a text to be ready at six, but I remember he already told me. I didn’t see him but like usual they probably skipped 9th. I did see Luke and I excitedly ran up to him.

“Luke!” I say shouting and he turns around and smiles at me.  

“I’m guessing you’re excited for your romantic night?” he asks.

“Yes, yes, yes. I have this really cute dress that shows off a little and I actually look smoking hot in it,” I say, his smile kind of goes away but it’s still there, just barely.

“I bet,” he answers.

“I’m so excited,” I say in a sing-song voice.

“I can tell,” he giggles a little.

“Wanna hang until five?” I ask and he nods so we walk outside and get into my car. I turn on the radio. He plugged his phone in and we jammed to some Green Day and when we got home we rushed inside.

“‘I’m starving!” he shouts, opening my fridge. He grabs out a soda and grabs the box of cereal. I laugh a little and we walk into my room and sit on the bed.

“So do you know what Michael’s plan is?” I ask.

He shrugs, “Nope. I just think it’s really going to be amazing,”

I smile, “Yay,” we started Mean Girls and halfway through, I started on my makeup. I really wanted to look good. I looked up a cool smokey eye wing tutorial and I found one and finally finished my makeup after half an hour. I do my hair which takes another half an hour and it’s about five thirty when I change. I walk back in and Luke looks almost surprised.

“Wow,” he mumbles and then stands up.

“Luke get out of my house,” I giggle, “He’s going to be here soon,”

“You look really good,” he says. I flip my hair that’s half up, half down.

“Thank youuu,” I say and then shoo him out of the house. I put shoes on and text Michael that I was ready. He didn’t answer so I guessed he was on the way which made me excited. My mom wasn’t home tonight because of another work meeting. I sat on the couch and turned the TV on. I watched an episode of Bob’s Burger and then it was a little after six. I shrugged it off and decided he was probably late. I watched another episode before looking at the time and it was 6:20.

I decided to text him again, he was just late. I watch another episode and then I decide to call him. It went straight to voicemail so I decided to leave one.

“Hey Mikey. It’s me, your girlfriend. It’s almost seven so I’m just making sure your still coming? Call me back. Love you.” I hang up and take a deep breath. He was just late. He was just late. I repeat this over in my head.

“He is just late,” I say. After two more episodes I decide to drive over to his house. When I get there, the lights are all off and it’s a little past seven. I knock on the door and no one answers so I decide to let myself in. I call Michael again and I sit on the couch for another half an hour before officially freaking out. What if he was in a car crash on the side of the road? Dead? Gone? I decide that I should call Luke and he doesn’t answer which freaks me out even more. I then decide to call Ashton. Straight to voicemail. I call Calum, straight to voicemail and I’m on the verge of tears. It’s almost eight before my phone rings.

“Hello??” I say, it’s an unknown number.

“Did you call my phone? It died, so I’m just checking up,” I realize that’s it’s Luke. Of course it was Luke.

“Yeah, Michael didn’t show up so I’m at his house and I’m freaking out,” I say, tears now falling down my face.

“Hey, it’s fine. Give it another hour and call me again if hes not there,” he says. I nod as if he could see me but realize he can’t.

“Um, okay.” I say and he hangs up. I walk down into the bathroom to fix my makeup. Maybe he’s at my house right now, maybe his phone died. I decide just maybe, so I call him and leave him another voicemail.

“Hey Mikey it’s me again. I’m at your house right now so you can just meet me here,” I say and then hang up. I get his present out of the car and set it up. I sit on the couch deciding how I’d give it to him when he got here. He probably got to my house, waited for me a little bit to charge his phone or maybe to just wait and then will head soon any moment. I repeat this in my head hoping it will make me feel better. I call him a couple more times before basically throwing my phone across the room. When Luke called me, he seemed busy so I decided I would call him a little after an hour. I didn’t think I’d even have to call him.

At nine o’clock I decided to call Luke, in tears, “Luke, he’s still not here. He’s not answering his phone or my text or anything,”

“Hey, calm down.” he says smoothly, “I’ll try calling him, okay?” I just say yes quietly and hang up. I sat there crying for a whole hour and it was now past ten when my phone rings. I don’t want to answer it. I don’t want to move. I was alone now. Not just physically, but mentally I was alone. Luke had probably forgotten and MIchael could’ve been dead. Time seemed to go by quicker than I thought and the phone rang for a whole half hour before I finally answering it. I couldn’t talk, it felt as if I lost my voice.

“Becca?” Luke says through the phone worridley, “Becca, are you there?”

“Yeah,” I say pretty quiet.

“Hello?” he says and the line goes dead. He must’ve hung up. He calls again and I finally muster up the strength to talk.

“What?” I say, snapping at him. By now it was way past eleven. I told you, time passed by way faster than intedned.

“Becca, are you okay?” he asks.

“Fine,” and as I say that, I hear someone pull up. I rush to the window and see Michael get out of a car. He walks towards the doors and I feel tears stinging my eyes again. I don’t know whether to be pissed or relieved he’s alive. “Listen Luke, I gotta go,” and before he can answer I hang up. Michael walks inside and I immediately wrap my arms around he. He doesn’t hug me back, and I can smell the alcohol on him.

“Michael? Seriously? You were out drinking?” I ask angrily.

“Oh fuck off, it’s my life,” he mumbles.

“Yeah okay well today is our day,” I say sadly. My phone rings but I turn it off and look back at Michael who is playing on his phone. “I called you,”

“I know, and I didn’t want to talk,” he shrugs. I can’t hold tears in anymore and he looks up and sees me crying, “Stop crying. I’m fine,”

“Do you remember what today is?” I ask through gritted teeth.

His eyes widen, “Oh shit,”

(A.N; might update twice today but I’m really pushing to finish this soon.)

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