Chapter 10

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Time skip (a couple days before their 6 month anniversary)


“Hey babe,” I say to Michael, pecking him on the lips. I’d say our relationship has been going pretty good. The sex is great, the dates are great, and he’s just really amazing. My relationship with Luke has also grown a lot. Michael is still one of my best friends, but Luke has become like another best friend. We also hang out and he is just a really great person. He’s also not been such of a man-whore and is currently single and I’m proud of him.

“How are you on this fine Monday?” he asks sitting next to me. It was currently monday morning and school hadn’t started yet.

“A lot better with you,” I smile at him. He smiles back.

“Okay you two lovebirds,” Calum says sitting in front of us.

“Did you guys hear Luke has a date?” Ashton says, sitting next to Calum.

“Wait, seriously?” I ask.

“Yeah, she’s new to the school. She’s a senior I think. It’s weird how she started with like three months left,” Ashton shrugs.

“That cunt, why didn’t he tell me?” I exclaim. Calum smirks at me. “What?” I ask he just simply shakes his head and then whispers into Ashton’s ear. “What are you guys whispering about?”

“Nothing dear,” Ashton says smiling as well. I look over to Michael who seems lost in his thoughts.

“Mikey?” I ask. He looks down at me and weakly smiles.

“What?” he asks.

“What is it? Come on, you can tell me,” I say furrowing my eyebrows.

“It’s nothing,” he shrugs. Luke sits by us and smiles at me.

“I’m not talking to you,” I say, crossing my arms.

“Aw, why not?” Luke says, sticking out his bottom lip.

“I hear you have a girlfriend and you didn’t tell me. I thought I was supposed to be your best friend,” I try not to smile when he rolls his eyes.

“She isn’t my girlfriend,” he says simply.

“Not yet,” Ashton says. Calum elbows him in the side.

“We went on two dates,” he shrugs.

“Okay, and?” I ask.

“Do you guys want to go on a double date?” he suggests. I turn to Mikey and he just shrugs.

“Duh!” I half shout excitedly.

“Cool. How about a movie tomorrow night?” he smiles, his dimple in full form.

“Mikeyyyyyyy? Does that work?” I turn to him.

“I don’t care,” he mumbles a little. I look at him with a confused look before turning back to Luke.

“Yeah sure, tomorrow night,” I smile weakly. I don’t know what Michael’s problem was, but I’d figure it out later.

“I wanna come!” shouts Ashton.

“Me too!” Calum says pouting.

“A triple date?” Luke asks.

“I was joking. I don’t need to see two couples kissing and shit, that’s gross,” Calum says and Ashton nods in agreement.

“But there is this party that you are all coming to Friday night,” Ashton says.

“Sure,” I shrug and the bell rings. We all disperse to our different classes, but I stop MIchael. “Babe… What’s wrong?”

He shrugs, “I told you it’s nothing Rebecca,” he walks off to his class. I hated being called Rebecca, it reminded me too much of my dad before he left. Michael knew that and I was never called Rebecca not even when I was in trouble. I swallow quickly and I rush to my class. I missed my dad a lot. My mom was barely around, and yeah I had Michael but sometimes he was busy. I wasn’t his everything. I repeat that in my head, I’m not his everything he’s got better things in his life than me. I’m just his girlfriend. Not his everything.  

First and second period I’m by myself but third I’m with Luke and Calum. I walk down to class and sit in my usual spot by them.

“Hey Becks,” Calum says playing on his phone.

“Do you guys know what’s wrong with Michael?” I ask, tossing my stuff down. Calum stops moving for a second which scares me a lot.

“There’s nothing different,” he shrugs.

“Luke?” I turn to Luke and he just shrugs. “Guys, seriously?”

“Listen Becca, it’s going to get handled. Don’t worry,” Luke says shrugging again.

“I’m his fucking girlfriend, it’s my right to be worried,” I say, anger filling me. I’m not quite sure why but I was pissed. Calum sighs deeply and the bell rings. The whole class period they try to talk to me but I just ignore them. I’m not sure why this was bothering me so much, but it was and I was determined to figure it out. I thought about all the reasons. Maybe he’s just depressed? I don’t know, he was always open about that stuff. Was he cheating on me? The thought hits me like a bag of bricks and I feel like I need to throw up so I raise my hand.

“Yes, Becca?” the teacher says.

“I need to go to the nurses office,” I answer, the urge to throw up is getting stronger. He’s probably cheating on me. It’s all my fault. I should’ve asked about it more. I’m just his useless girlfriend.

“Go ahead,” she answers and I stand up and grasp the desk so I don’t fall. I try to walk towards to the door but I don’t make it. Vomit comes up and I throw up all over the floor before passing out. I didn’t even care. All I could think about was that Michael was cheating on me.

*a.n i have chapter 11 written, should i publish it today or next week?*

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