Chapter 12

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“Michael!” I shout.
“What?” he says boredly, again.
“What is the matter? Have you gotten bored of me? Are you fucking someone else?” I
say, slamming my hands into his chest, pushing him back.
“I never said that,” he shrugs.
“Fuck you. I’m so done with you not caring,” I go to the door and he grabs my wrists,
pulling me back.
“Where are you going to go? To fuck Luke?” he asks, his grip tightening.
“Wait what? You think I’m having sex with Luke?” I say, my voice small.
“I know you are,” he says angrily.
“I am not,” I say, almost a whisper.
“He’s at your house at night all the time,” Michael says, his breath smelling of strong
“Because you aren’t ever there. He’s my best friend, Michael. You aren’t even there
anymore. You’re always busy, and on nights when I feel like dying he’s there.” I say, tears
stinging my eyes.
“Wait… you told me that you never had suicidal feelings anymore,” he says, letting my
wrists go.
“I never said I did. I felt like dying that’s all. You weren’t there. You aren’t ever there.
Even when you’re there physically, you aren’t there mentally. I can’t do this anymore, you won’t
talk to me anymore,” I say, tears streaming down my face. He just stands there. I just leave. I
couldn’t do this anymore.
(this is the day after my previous update)
Our sixth month anniversary is in two days, and MIchael still hasn’t mentioned anything
about it. About a month ago, we had these big plans but honestly I think he forgot.
“Miccchhhaaaeeeelllll,” I half sing to him which catches his attention.
“Yeah?” he asks. I haven’t seen him anywhere outside of school, because he was busy
so Luke stayed over a lot.
“Two days,” I say, sitting next to him. The boys were all laughing at a video.
“Two days until what?” which makes all the boys look up and stare at him.
“Wait, you seriously don’t remember?” I ask, slightly disappointed.
“Remember what?” he asks, confused.
“Oh come on man,” Ashton says.
“No hints,” I say, getting more agitated by the second.
“Just tell me. I’m not in the mood for this,” Michael says.
“You’re not in the mood for what? Our relationship?” I ask, clenching my teeth. Luke
leans over the table and whispers in his ear. His eyes grow wide.
“Fuck,” he mumbles.
“Yeah,” I say, biting my cheek.
“It’s our sixth month?” he asks, obviously worried.
“Yeah. You should remember, I mean it’s been half-a-fucking year,” I say, not holding
back my anger.
“Listen we can go out to dinner, a picnic maybe?” he says, as if that will make up for all
this bullshit.
“Sure, let’s go out to dinner. Even though we started planning about a month ago for
this. Let’s go out and eat some fucking dinner.” I state.
“I’m sorry babe,” he says, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. I just let him do
it. I’m too angry to move or speak.
Here I am, feeling extremely down and all I want to do is die. Tears are running down my
face for no reason and I decide that after today maybe Michael would actually come over.
“Michael?” I say when the phone clicks.
“Yeah?” he says.
“Can you- come over..? I’m not- not feeling very well,” I say, stuttering.
“Listen, I can’t right now, I’m so sorry I’ll make it up to you on Thursday, okay?” but
before I answer, I hang up and know immediately to call Luke. It’s about midnight so this is
probably useless.
“Hey, Becca? Are you okay?” he says huskily, obvious he was sleeping.
“Can you please come over?” I say, more tears.
“Holy shit, yeah. I’m on my way,” and he hangs up this time. I felt bad, he’s had to come
over almost everyday for the past few weeks.
“Becca?” I hear a whisper and Luke creeps into my room.
“You got here fast,” I say, trying to smile.
“Of course, anything for you. What is it?” he asks, sitting next to me.
“Well at first it was just school stress, but now it’s Michael. Does he not love me
anymore?” I say, wrapping my arms around Luke.
“You need to sleep,” he says, hugging me back and pulling the covers over me.
“Thank you Luke, I love you,” I say, already half-asleep.
“I love you too Becca,” he whispers before I fall asleep completely in his warmth. I did
love Luke. He was my best friend.
“Hey wake up,” I say to Becca as she groans and turns to look at me.
“I don’t wanna,” she sticks her lip out and before I know it, my lips are on hers. I pull her
on top of me and she’s actually kissing me back. Over the past few months, I think I’ve slowly
fallen in love with Becca. She’s just so perfect and recently Michael has been treating her like
garbage. I put my hands underneath her shirt and she moans into the kiss.
“Luke,” she says. “Luke!”
I blink open my eyes, “Oh hey,” I smile. It was just a silly dream.

(a.n wow two updates in a day. im gOiNg to finish this story by summer so expect a lot of updates. :)))

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