Chapter 5

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BECCA’S POV (right after Luke sees them writing back and forth)

I know, I’m a horrible person. I’m not going to choose between my best friend and a crush. Besides, relationships were too complicated. I smile at Michael and he gives me a grin back. Maybe I’ve always like Michael. I look back at Luke who is obviously angry and I tap his hand and he looks down on me with anger in his eyes.

“What is it?” I whisper. He gives me a peck on the cheek and whispers into my ear, “Pay attention babes,” He can’t call me that. I can’t choose anyone. If I choose Michael, I’ll lose my new friend Luke, but at the same time I don’t wanna lose Michael, but I don’t think I love him like he loves me. I look back to Michael who is coloring a picture of a baby Jesus blue. I laugh a little and he smiles at me again.

I turn back to Luke again, “I don’t wanna, it’s too boring,” I say rolling my eyes. He smiles and wraps his arm around me.

“Tell me about it,” he pecks my cheek again. God, he’s making this choice 100 times harder. I mean, I’m not going to choose right? My best friend or life long crush? I put my face in my hands before Michael leans down.

“Hey…” his voice is soft and quiet. “What’s wrong?” he asks. I look at him and he wiggles his eyebrows. I laugh. I shrug my shoulders. I cross my legs and think about this decision. It sounds like I’m going to make a choice. Fuck. I don’t know if I can. I feel someone tap my hand and look over to see Ashton offering his hand. I give him a confused look and he grabs my hand and takes me out of the chapel. Everybody was too busy singing or whatever to notice anything.

“Becca, what’s going on with you? I can’t sit there watching you when you cross your

legs and bounce them at the same time. That’s bad news. What is it love?” he says.

“Does Michael really love me? I mean maybe it’s possible that he’s just a hormonal teenager?” I rub my hands on my thighs to wipe the sweat.

“Becca… “ he trails off, “Honestly, I don’t know. He’s talked about this sort of stuff before but Calum and I always thought he was just being a clingy friend. I’m not sure now… I think he does,” he answers. “What about you?” he continues.

“What do you mean?” I swallow the lump in my throat.

“I mean, I want to know your feelings about the guys fighting for your love in there,” he says, gesturing into the chapel.

“I don’t know anymore. I love Michael but I’m not sure if I love him more than a best friend… I mean we’ve made out and shit but I thought that was just for fun or experience or whatever. And Luke, I’ve always liked Luke, you know that. I don’t know what went down that night at the party. I mean, Luke’s basically everything I want except he’s a fuckboy,”

“Becca, language, please.” he says slightly smiling. His smile turns into a frown, “Listen, obviously you’ve gotta have some feelings for Michael or else you don’t want to hurt him. Here’s my advice: do whatever you want. If you pick Luke, Michael is going to be hurt as hell, but he won’t hate you. If you pick Michael, your life-long crush will probably hate you but I think he’ll just move on like always. I think you’re just a fuck to him,”

“Language,” I say smiling and punch his arm playfully.

“But it’s true and you know it,” his face is completely serious.

“But what if he has changed?” I say, my eyes clouding up.

“Do you have any idea what happened at that party?” he says, his eyebrows furrow and he crosses his arms.

“I’m scared to find out,” i say and laugh nervously.

“Do you want to know?” he asks.

“Yeah,” I sigh, “I do,” I walk towards a couch and I sit down, Ashton sits in front of me.

“You weren’t the only girl he fucked that night, nor were you the other day. You’re never going to be his one and only.” he says sighing.

“What do you mean?” the tear streams down my face.

“He fucked two other girls, you were his last. He doesn’t like you for you he likes you because you want him and you’re desperate for him, no offence”

I’m officially sobbing, again. “Why was I so stupid to even begin to THINK he liked me?” I put my head in my hands and Ashton wraps his arms around me sitting on the couch.

“I think that maybe he likes you, but he also likes a lot of other people and you aren’t the one. I don’t think you should be mad at him, I just think you shouldn’t be with him. I think he wants you for your body not for you. Do you understand?” Ashton tilts my chin up and I wipe the tears away.

“Thank Ashton,” I say pulling him in for a hug.

“Now let’s get you looking like you were never crying,” he pulls back smiling, his dimple showing. I think maybe, just maybe. I might be in love with my best friend.


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