Chapter 4

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Authors note: haven't posted in a while but this is gonna get juicy. Ok have fun reading


I kiss Becca harshly before Michael walks in. “What the hell?” I hear him say. I feel Becca’s grip loosen around me and I back away.

“Michael let me explain,” I hear Becca say jumping off the counter.

“Oh what? I mean I just confessed my feelings while you fucked my friend. We’ve all got different standards and it’s obvious that if you’re fucking Luke your standards are lower than your underwear,” he gestures to Becca’s underwear around her ankles. She quickly pulls them up.

“Michael-” she starts before her eyes start watering and her voice breaks.

“Becca, you don’t have to say anything,” I say, my fists by my sides.

“Aw how adorable, big macho man who has never even noticed Becca before today. You’re just a prick looking for a vulnerable slut who will answer when you need a booty call.” Michael says rolling his eyes.

“Fuck off mate. You have no idea how I feel,” I take a step towards him my fist squeezed even harder.

“I’m not a slut,” Becca’s voice says smally behind me. I turn to look at her and her face is fiery red.

“God Becca. Can’t you see he is just using you? You know Ashley? The first girl he “fell for”. Now, they don’t even go on dates or even talk in public just when he needs a simple fuck. Whatever, him or me.” Michael says crossing his arms.

“She shouldn’t have to choose,” I say trying to remain calm.

“Him or me.” Michael says even calmer than me. “You can’t have both,” he waits a second before staring at me. I stare into his eyes trying to intimidate him.

“Him or me,” Michael says even softer. I look back at Becca who is now full on sobbing. I walk over to hold her before she pushes me away.

“Are you just going to throw me away like Ashley?” my clenched fist release and I’m taken surprised. I stay quiet unknown what to say. I couldn’t speak. I watch her wipe her face before staring at me angrily. “Luke. Are you going to throw me away? Right after this are you going to go fuck someone else? Then come back saying how it was nothing?” She’s still crying but they aren’t sad tears, instead her face is filled with rage as she walks out. I stare at Michael.

“You cunt,” I say walking over to him clenching my teeth.

“Fuck off,” he says before walking towards the door. I grabbed onto his arm and pull him back. Anger is consuming me and before I can think, I punch him. No softly like we were joking, but right it the eye.

“What the hell man?” he says jumping back so I couldn’t reach him before he left the bathroom. I was fuming and I had to get out of there. I left the bathroom before being stopped by my mom.

“Lukie pookie!” she smiles, “Where are you going?” her eyebrow raises.

“To get some air,” I say, pushing past her and walking outside. The wind blows slightly and I run my fingers through my hair.

“Do you think she’s going to choose someone?” I hear Calum’s voice from around the corner. I stand there stilly.

“She’s always had a crush on Luke, but Michael actually loves her and doesn’t just want to fuck,” I hear Ashton answer back unsurly.

“Luke could’ve talked to us. He could’ve waited with Becca except taking advantage when she was drunk,” Calum says in almost a disgusted tone. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and quickly I take it out.

“Hello? Becca?” I say worriedly.

“So I’m not going to choose between you because that’s just bullshit. I’m also not going to lose you guys as friends so we are going to the pool party afterwards and we are going to have some freaking fun and just forget our worries. I’m driving you and the boys over to the pool party so I’ll see you in the service.” she states. Before I can respond she hangs up. I roll my eyes. I don’t know how much more Michael I can handle. I decide I should stay on Becca’s good side so I walk back inside to greet my mother.

“Hey mum, sorry about earlier. There’s a lot of people here,” I say kissing her on the cheek.

“No problem Luke. We are headed into the service when I see Michael whispering something in Becca’s ear before she laughs and hugs him. I feel my arms tense up before someone taps on my shoulder.

“Hey Lukie Pookie,” I hear Calum’s voice again, “I heard we are all friends again so we should go over with them. Right chum?” he smiles evilly before walking away, Ashton following, towards Becca. I take a deep breath before following. I smile as I enter the group. I look at Michael who’s eye is already starting to get purple.

“Hi Luke,” I hear Becca say before wrapping her arms around me. I smile at Michael and he smiles back slyly. I roll my eyes and Becca lets go.

“Hi Becks,” I say. She walks over to where the service papers are and picks up some. She walks back over and hands everyone a coloring sheet and a service paper. Calum laughs.

“We don’t have colors though!” Ashton whines, pouting his lip. Becca smiles and takes out a plastic baggy with crayons in them. Ashton claps his hands and stop pouting. “Yay!” We are directed in and Becca sits in between Michael and I. The service starts and it’s boring. Before long I feel Becca’s arms get warm. I look down at her hands which are writing with a pen on the coloring page.

With a blue pen, which I’m guessing is Michael’s it says: Do you wanna ditch the pool party and get milkshakes?

I wish. Mom is making me go, so if I suffer you’ll suffer too.

Aw come on baby girl.

We’ll see.

The blood in my body boils and I can’t take it anymore.


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