Chapter 15

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The day passes by slowly and at the end of the day I’m bouncing to my locker with joy. I get there and Bryana, Avery, and Crystal are all standing there.

“Hey guys,” I was sorta friends with Bryana, so she knew where my locker was. They all smile.

“Waddup B?” Bryana asks. She always called me B.

“Hey other B,” I answer opening my locker.

“Wait so this is Calum’s band?” Avery asks.

“Well not just his band, but he’ll be there. Why?” I ask, grabbing my stuff and shutting my locker.

“Okay so we’re all friends now? So I can tell you all stuff?” she ask as we leave.

“Yes, of course,” I answer.

“So I have this huge crush on Calum,” she says and I immediately start laughing and she gives me a funky look, “What?”

“I ship it. Are there any other crushes I should know about here?” I giggle a little and Bryana raises her hand as if I were a teacher.

“Ashton is hot,” she says smiling. I look at Crystal who looks slightly upset and maybe I should not have said anything, but oh well.

“Well Michael is the hottest,” I say smiling.

“Okay, we’ll meet you there, alright?” Crystal says grabbing Avery’s arm and walking towards a car.

“Are you riding with me?” I ask and Bryana just nods and smiles.

“Yeah,” we get into the car and turn the radio on. I quickly exit the parking lot. The boys always skip 9th period, so I wasn’t surprised that I didn’t see them leaving.

“So is Crystal okay?” I ask. It wasn’t my business, but whatever.

“Don’t tell I said anything, but she really likes Michael,” Bryana says.

“Like not just a small crush?” I ask, hoping that she’d tell me it was just a small crush and it’d go away, but of course not.

“No. Huge crush. She’ll get over it though, okay?” Bryana says.

“Okay,” I say and we turn the music up and jam out in the car. “We’re here!” I say excitedly. We get out and Crystal pulls up behind us. We all go inside to get meeted by Karen, Michael’s mom.

“Hey darling, and I see some friends?” she says.

“Hi Karen,” I say smiling and I hug her. She hugs me back.

“The boys are downstairs and there’s snacks. I’ll be out for awhile but there’s food in the fridge so whatever you need. Okay?” she says.

“You’re the best. Thank you,” i say and the other girls thanks her.

“No problem,” she winks and leaves the kitchen and we go downstairs.

“BECCA!” Ashton shouts and giggles a little.

“I brought some people,” I say.

“Wow, some beautiful people,” Calum says and they all blush which makes me laugh a little bit. Bryana was never very shy but her and Ashton kept looking at each other.

“I know,” I smirk and giggle again.

“Yeah, just so we know we’re all stoned,” Luke says and Michael walks out and smiles when he sees me.

“Mikey!” I say and run over to him and he grabs my hips and kisses me passionately and it’s something I haven’t felt in awhile. Sparks. I pull back and look at him smile.

“I love you,” I say. It’s almost a whisper and everyone else is talking so only he heard me.

“I love you too,” he says and kisses me again. We pull apart.

“Okay let’s get this band practice started!!!” Ashton yells and everyone laughs a little. They all huddle up again around Ashton’s drum and I think about the first practice I ever went to. They all go to there instruments and we sit on the couch watching them.

“This one is a catchy ass song Luke wrote a while back,” Calum says.

“You got a boyfriend, and he’s a total loser. All your friends tell you that they’ve got no future, but they like me. Just saying.” Luke sings and he looks at me which is confusing. Luke wrote this? For who? The songs ends and the girls clap. They sing about two more songs before they put their stuff up.

“You guys want a drink?” Michael asks.

“Sure,” we all say in unison and then laugh a little. Michael grabs the thing of beers and we are all laughing and tipsy in no time. I’m sitting on Michael’s lap and Bryana is basically on top of Ashton and so is Avery with Calum. Crystal and Luke are almost awkwardly sitting next to each other.

“Luke I need to talk to you real quick,” I say and Luke looks up and then stands up. I look to Michael. “I’ve got to get them together. I’ll be right back, okay?” I whisper.

“Whatever,” he says. And the Michael that doesn’t like me is back. We walk outside onto the back porch and I take a sip from the beer in my hand.

“What’s with you and Crystal? She told me that you were talking about some other girl, on a date? Not cool man,” I say and I can feel his eyes on me.

“She’s not my type,” I look at him and he just shrugs.

“Then what the fuck’s your type?” I ask almost angrily, “I didn’t mean to sound rude, just stressed out. Michael is being a dick and fuck I’m sorry I’m ranting,”

“It’s fine Becca,” he says sipping out of his beer.

“Did you know you’re my best friend?” I tell him.

“Wow you’re my best friend too,” he says and we clink our beers.

“So I need to ask you something,” I say.

“Ask away,” he answers.

“Your first song, the just saying song? Can I say it was fucking amazing but also, um.... Who was it about?” I ask. I was a little nervous asking.

“Honestly?” he asks.

“No tell me a lie. Of course honestly,” I remark.

“Don’t be a bitch,” he chuckles a little and pushes me playfully. I roll my eyes at him and he chugs his beer and throws it across the lawn.

“That’s me,” I smile at him and then copy him, chugging my beer and throwing it. He laughs a little again when I say, “I through it farther than you,”

“It was about you,” he mumbles.


“It was about you, when you were dating Harry. I wrote it,” he says, obviously nervous. “It was always and will forever be about you,” he mumbles so quietly I don’t think he knew I heard him. But I did. I heard it all.


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