Chapter 13

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“Luke,” she says. “Luke!”

I blink open my eyes, “Oh hey,” I smile. It was just a silly dream.

“What were you dreaming about?” she asks, smiling.

“It was nothing,” I shrug it off.

“I heard you say my name,” she says almost asking.

“I did?” I say, freezing right there.

“Yeah like twice,” she shrug, nuzzling back into my chest.

“Do you want to just skip school and lay here? Order a pizza, maybe?” I ask, and she doesn’t answer for a while.

“As much as I want to, we should go to school,” she says standing up and changing right in front of me. And sure, she’s done it before but I mean not like this.

“Do you want to smoke a little?” I ask, and she turns around and smirks at me.

“Luke Hemmings! That’s illegal,” she answers, still smirking.

“Fine, I’ll have to smoke it all by myself,” I say, pretending to be mad.

“Oh hell no, you’re going to share,” she smiles and basically tackles me. I flip over so I’m on top and tickle her until she’s out of breath.

“Luke,” she laughs, “Stop, please,” and I do. I get up and change my clothes. I was here so often I had my own drawer. Best friend goals, am I right?

“It’s in my car,” I say and we grab our stuff and head out to my car. When we get out we are immediately smoking. And after about half an hour, we’re pretty high.

“Can you drive if you’re high?” Becca giggles.

“Shit, I didn’t think about it. I don’t wanna risk our lives,” so I pull out my phone and call Michael subconsciously.

“MIKEY!” I shout.

“Jesus Luke, school’s about to start. Where are you?” he answers.

“I need you to come pick Becca and I up. I can’t drive,” I answer while Becca is giggling over something small.

“For god’s sake. I’m on my way,” he says before hanging up.

“He doesn’t love me anymore,” Becca says. I just stay quiet.

“But do you know who does?” she says sitting up.

“Who’s that?” I ask back.

“You love me and I’m so glad to have you, Luke.” she says, almost a whisper. She looks at me and smiles weakly.

“”I’m glad to be here,” I say, smiling back.

“Luke!” Becca shouts.

“Whatttt?” I say, dragging on the t’s.

“Sing for me?” she asks.

“Why?” I wonder.

“Cause you’re good and I love your voice. Luke, pwease?” she pouts out her lip.

“Um, fine. What song shall I sing?” I ask.

She giggles,” Who says shall anymore?”

“Um, me!” I laugh too.

“When is your guys's next gig?” she asks.

“Next Friday,” I smile.

“I’m soooo excited,” she says, obviously excited. I slowly lean towards her, as if to kiss her but when I’m about five inches away, I quickly move back. Becca looks startled and I feel bad now.

“Becca, I’m sorry,” I say.

She shrug, “It’s fine.” I start singing one of her favorite songs by us, San Francisco. She is smiling and when I’m done she claps her hands.

“I chose such a great best friend!” she claps her hands and giggles.

“I’m honored you chose me, great lady,” I say and laugh. Michael finally pulls in the driveway.

“Mikey!” she shouts and run out. I hate that she’s staying with Michael, he was my friend and all but he treated her like garbage. I see her open his door and kiss him. I get out and decide to sit in the back.

“Wait. Are you guys stoned?” he asks, as Becca gets into the passenger seat. “Luke, why the fuck were you even at Becca’s?”

“Because you weren’t,” Becca mumbles.

“You weren’t there, so I had to take over on boyfriend duty,” I say. Becca looks back at me almost confused.

“So you’re cheating on me?” Michael asks, almost boredly which pissed me off.

“What?! No! Michael, Luke is my best friend. He’s there when you can’t be,” Becca says, but Michael is zoned out. We finally get to school, four minutes before the bell and we run in.

“Dude, are you fucking high?” Calum asks.

“Without us? Rude,” Ashton says. Becca had to go to the bathroom so I’m standing at my locker.

“Yeah,” I say quietly.

“Dude, are you okay?” Ashton asks.

“No, I’m so done with Michael’s bullshit,” I say, slamming my locker and walking out of school. I was done with school for the day.

“LUKE!” Ashton shouts from the doorway as the bell rings.

“What?” I say and turn around.

“Come back,” Calum shouts and I realize I can’t miss much more school. Prom was coming up next month and if you missed twenty days or more, you couldn’t go, and I wanted to go. Especially if my plan was going to work.

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