Chapter 20

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School goes by slowly and at lunch we are all sitting next to each other, including Michael which trips me out.

“Hey,” he says. I just nod in his direction. Becca is still sitting really close to him which is whatever. Becca and him look at each other and shrug.

“Guys, I’m so pumped for tonight,” Ashton says and sits next to us.

“Yes!” Calum agrees. I simply just nod again. I was slightly upset how that Becca kisses me back and then she’s suddenly back with Michael.

“Also we have an announcement,” Ashton says. I decide I shouldn’t be such a dick and I look up.

“Let me guess, you murdered someone?” I playfully say and he rolls his eyes. Becca and Michael laugh a little and I try to ignore them.

“Should I tell them?” Ashton asks looking at Calum.

“I can tell them,” he shrugs, “Me and Ashton are dating,” Ashton’s smile is huge and Calum is smiling too.

“Wait seriously? That’s awesome,” I say smiling. They were so cute together.

“Are you guys joking?” Becca says and I see her grinning from the corner of my eye. “This is amazing news!”

“Ashton was a little nervous about coming out but I was like fuck it,” Calum says and kisses Ashton. They really were a cute couple. Lunch is over and I bump into Crystal on the way to class.

“Hey Luke!” she says.

“Hey,” i say, smiling. I quickly walk away, not wanting to start conversation. By the end of the day I was ready to play and get drunk. I wait for Becca out by my car but I see her get in Michael’s. At this point I’m fuming. I slam my door shut as I get in the car. Of course Michael gets the girl after admitting he doesn’t love her. Of fucking course. I just sit in the car until I decide I better get home.

Well, actually my stomach decides and I speed off home. Becca tries to call me but I just send her to voicemail. I can’t deal with her right now. When I get home, I turn my phone off and make some food. I sit on the couch and eat while watching How I Met Your Mother. After an hour there’s a knock on my door and I wait a second to see if they go away.

“Luke Hemmings! I know you’re in there!” I hear Becca’s voice ring out. I decide to just stay quiet and hopefully she’d leave. But of course, not. “I’m coming in!” And soon enough the door opens and she’s staring at me.

“What?” I say.

“Don’t what me. Why aren’t you answering my calls? I’ve been worried sick,” she says. I roll my eyes and she glares at me.

“Ok why were you even trying to call me?” I ask.

“Because you need to get your ass up and get to the party. It starts in half an hour!” she exclaims. I guess it might’ve been more than an hour. “What’s your problem anyway?” she questions.

“Nothing, now get out of my house so I can get ready. I’ll meet you there,” I say and she rolls her eyes.

“Come on, Michael is in the car. He can take you.” she says.

“Get out, I will see you there,” I say, slightly angry and opening the door for her.

“Whatever,” she says and walks out. I slam the door shut and lock it before going into my room to change into our usual outfits. A band tee, skinny jeans,and black shoes. I go out into the car and turn my phone on. I see I have twenty two missed calls. I roll my eyes and plug my phone in before throwing it into the other seat.

I turn my music up all the way before pulling out and driving to the party. I wasn’t that excited. Great, I’d be surrounded by cute couples and Michael and Becca and Calum and Ashton. I wasn’t even ready. I pulled to the side of the road and took a deep breath. My phone went off and it was Becca.

“LUKE!” she shouts over the noise.



“Is that Luke?” I hear Michael’s voice. “Tell him to get his ass over here,”

“MICHAEL SAID TO-” she starts but I interrupt her.

“Yeah I heard him. I’m here,” I say and I get out of the car. I hung up and I shut the door and locked it before I walked inside the crowded house.

“LUKE!” I hear Ashton scream. “Get up there we perform any minute!” I climb on top of the makeshift stage.

“How’s everybody doing tonight?!” I shout through the microphone. Calum, Michael, and Ashton climb onto the stage before getting in there spots. The room gets full of screams and I see Becca waving her hands.

“Our first song is called Heartbreak Girl!” Calum shouts. I turn to him and he just smirks at me. We start playing. This wasn’t on the playlist but I start singing.

“You call me up, it's like a broken record saying that your heart hurts. That you never get over him getting over you. And you end up crying, and I end up lying, cause I'm just a sucker for anything that you do.” I sing and I look at Becca directly in the eyes when I sing and I thing she’s getting the message.

“I dedicate this song to you, the one who never sees the truth that I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl.” and at this point it looks like she’s almost crying. We go through another three songs before another band gets up and plays. We all go into the backyard to talk.

“You guys are so amazing!” she shouts hugging everyone of us. When she’s done she looks directly at me.


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