1. Escaping The Old Life

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"What if I run away to a different country and start my life over?"

Yeah, nice try Amanda Gilfest. It's not that easy. You can't just start a new life, and if you do, the memories of the past will still haunt you.

And why would you even want to escape your "old" life? I'm sure it's not that bad. Yes, there's the death of your brother and your dog went missing, but apart from that, your life is great. Your parents are really nice, you live in a massive house, you go to a great public school and get good grades. Plus, you have a boyfriend you can confide in.

So excuse me for my overly expressive language but what the fuck Amanda? What the fuck?

Why does the first thing I watch have to be a soap drama with really bad acting? I know I'm watching the hospital TV, but they should really have something better.

"I love you Amanda, but..."

"No buts Gerald!"

No buts? More like no butts... Poor Gerald

I finally published something! Hurrah! Yes I know it's short but thou hath been warned before...

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