9. Waking up

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I haven't really got used to waking up. Each night I think that if I fall asleep I'll wake up in oblivion again. But I know that I need to rest in order to recover.

Every morning I recite everything that I know to make sure I'm alright.

The first time I ever remember waking up was horrible. Just horrible.

Bright light. Why is there a bright light? Beeping. What's beeping?

I'm in a hospital. Fuck. Why am I in a hospital?

Evelyn is dying. Evelyn has cancer - not even 16 and dying. Losing my mind.

How did u get here? Why am I ill? What did I do? What did I do yesterday? I don't remember.

Shit, I have dementia.

That's exactly what I was thinking. I was going into overdrive mode and by the time the doctors arrived my system crashed so I was too freaked out to even speak to them.

They gave me a dose of some calming drug and I fell asleep only soon to be in exactly the same situation again. Then I started asking questions and got only a few answers.

I think they had enough of me talking as they soon sent me into the surgery room for an operation on my hippocampus.

But despite all the trauma, being in a hospital has been very comforting and so many nice people have looked after me.

I say this in the past tense as it is time for me to be discharged and discover some family history.

After a week or so after the coma (I can't remember...(haha, memory loss jokes anyone? Nah?))they think I'm well enough to live with my godmother.

So I've said goodbye to the nurse and the doctors and I am mentally prepared to walk down the hall in a couple of seconds and see an unfamiliar face that will recognize me.

It's gonna be a long day!


Any feedback? I would appreciate it so so much! Also, I'm trying out this new thing, so don't freak out, it's like a way of saying bye... Cause it feels awkward just leaving at a full stop ya know? So each time I'm gonna do something different and yeah,

Sending ☀️ ur way!
-sauthor xx

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