7. Brain & Biology

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Umm yes I want to know some things about my life, thank you very much, thank you, please.

It's 1.00am give me a break.

I just told myself to get lost. I am totally, definitely recovering and don't have any issues with my brain at all!!

So judging by the fact that I know nada, it is quite obvious that I've been dreaming and imagining my life. All day, everyday.

I've been quite tired of thinking actually.

When you're in a coma you are not very active. I mean the red blood cells still move through the blood to the different parts of the body to pass around the oxygen and the aerobic respiration reactions still takes place in the ribosomes but you don't really move or think when you are in a coma. At least I don't think I did.

(I am impressed by myself: I don't remember ever having a biology lesson or even going to school yet I know all this ish. Can't the brain prioritize?)

Only some parts of the brain work as the others are switched off to allow more focus in keeping the organism (Me! Now I'm just using science words for the sake of sounding clever) alive.

So as I was saying my brain hurts from thinking so much as I've gone two weeks without a brain workout.

This chapter sucks. Are you criticizing me? Yes. Screw you. I am you, so you just told yourself to screw yourself. This is all cause I'm too clever for my own good. More like stupid and weird. As you've said, I am you so you just called yourself stupid and weird.

This is what I have to put up with...

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