14. Fineart

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I had nothing to do. I went to the drawing table and sat on the speeny-wheely chair. Maybe I should draw. That's plain and simple right? I found a blank piece of paper and a half dysfunctional pencil in the drawer.

First drawing, make it good.

I started doodling what was outside my window: houses, front yards, the road...

What if I really enjoyed drawing? Maybe I was the 'mostly like to be an artist' in a year book at my old school.

It made me angry and annoyed as now I would never be able to know. Surely someone knows things about me.

I could ring the school and ask them. Someone must know which school I went to. Where I used to live. Maybe the lawyers who decided who I was to live with know something. There's a person out there who knows things about me. Personal things. Someone.

I focused on my drawing, not liking to be distracted by mildly upsetting thoughts.

I was drawing the branches of a tree outside the house on the opposite side. Not knowing what my abilities were before, I stared at my unfinished masterpiece.

Wow. I was good.

If could have been a background in a published cartoon.

I was good.

I guess there is hope for everything. Somethings we don't forget. I felt confident about myself for once and I could do pretty much anything at that moment. I could jump out the window and start flying.

It was worth the risk.

No, probably not.

I finished drawing the tree  and adding some details. So concentrated, I barely heard the knock on my door.


Well well, who do we have here... Tis moi! I'm Bachin the Game! And that's a new word, made by me of corse.

Alrighty so.... Yeah that's it... Hope you enjoyed 😂😂

Sending 〽️ ur way
-sauthor xx

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