5. Linguistics

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I feel like Alice in Wonderland but probably a little less joyous and a quite a bit older. But I'm so unbelievably curious, confused and full of drugs.

All I know are these negligible snippets of my past and there are so many things that I need to know.

I don't even know why I was on a plane, where I was going or coming from.

I don't know what exact nationality I am. I know I can speak English, so that is a major hint but that's all I got.

I could have forgotten how to speak my native language and after the coma woken up being able to speak English.

Is that possible? Has that ever happened?

Imagine you could only speak Swedish one day and wake up being able to speak just Mandarin.

That's gotta be a talent.

Kinda short, sorry, but I'll make sure to update soon!
If I could wake up an forget English I'd probably speak fluent Spanish. Just blabbering on about stuff while no one understands me. Oh wait. I do that anyway...

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