- twenty -

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These are the texts between Taylor and Violet, after I post this I'll update the regular chapter right after !

Violet- Everything good ?

Taylor- Well I got him home okay he only tried to fight me twice 

Violet- smh  

Violet- Look I'm sorry 

Taylor- For ?

Violet- Everything. The kiss, Nash trying to fight everyone, and just the party being ruined ig

Taylor- Don't apologize for him he got drunk on his own. His choice. 

Violet- Ik but still..

Violet- The kiss...

Taylor- Why are you sorry 

Violet- None of that would've happened if I just didn't kiss you 

Taylor- It takes two people to kiss Violet and I'm not sorry for my part in the kiss 

Violet- Yea ik

Taylor- wym ?

Violet- Just forget it 

Violet- I just wanted to make sure you're okay 

Taylor- Yea Violet I'm fine 

Violet- Good. So you wanna meet up tomorrow maybe ?

Taylor- I'm gonna have to pass

Violet- Why 

Taylor- Actually I have a date 

Violet- You had prior knowledge that you had a date and you still played a game where you would end up kissing someone 

Taylor- Look if it wasn't obvious I'm going on this date with this potential girlfriend to.. get over someone

Violet- Alright.. I'll talk to you later then 

Taylor- Yea 

Taylor- Goodnight Violet <3

Violet- Goodnight Taylor..


Boyfriend or Best friend? ~Jc Caylen~Where stories live. Discover now