2. I need some answers.

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A tall dark silhouette entered opened the door and I jumped in fear, staggering backwards and getting as close to a wall as possible. My heart began to suddenly beat very fast and I could literally feel my blood running through my body making my hands a bit sweaty and very hot. I felt the hairs on the back of neck come to a stand as if I was now in a bad atmosphere and should be scared.

I looked down at myself and to my surprise all I was wearing was my tank top which unfortunately you could see my bra underneath along with a pair of red shorts so I quickly dove under the bed covers and hid under the duvet but showed my face. I made sure that no part of me was shown apart from my face because I did not need any unwanted attention.

The silhouette only came closer and closer while their footsteps got louder and louder. I'm pretty sure at this point my heart had been eating so loud you could practically hear it trying to jump out of my chest and free itself, leaving me in whatever mess I had gotten myself into.

"Don't worry, you look rather sexy." The silhouette exclaimed and chuckled slightly. He walked into the light of the room so that I could now see who it was and when I did my jaw dropped and I could feel my hands clench itself. Who did this bastard think he was? He would not get away with this!


"Shut up, my family's sleeping." He growled gritting his teeth. "No loud noises!"

"Answer the damn question. And also answer this one while you're at it, WHERE AM I? I HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED!" I proclaimed in anger. "ANSWER ME NOW!"

"You are in Vampyrth. Like Earth is for humans, the Void is for Supernatural beings. Vampyrth is where we Vampires reside. I told you before you're my slave and I'm your master, but you being the naive girl you are you won't believe me therefore you are here with me under my roof which you'll be living under for a very long time." He grinned. "You are one kinky, feisty and very f*cking annoying girl. When I say annoying I mean very very very-"

"I'm not your slave!" I hissed ignoring the rest of his damn sentence. "You can't just kidnap me. I have family and friends who are going to be worried. They'll find you and bring you to justice, OK! They will come for me and take me away from you. We will call the police and put you into a mental asylum with your weird and bizarre thoughts. How long have I been stuck here, huh? They're probably already searching for me this second right now and will be here soon!"

"I have the ability to read minds, change people's moods and glamour people, meaning I can make believe what I want them to so no-one remembers you, chika. Not your mum, dad, friends, neighbours not even random people who would look at you in school." He explained. "You're either very stupid or very funny for thinking humans can come here that easily. While you've been unconscious for two days I managed to do all that only because I may have drank too much of your blood by accident."

"WHAT?" I yelled feeling my eyes almost pop out of their sockets and almost shoot out.

In lightening speed I hadn't even had time to see him run to me and place his hand over my mouth a bit too hard and my mouth began to hurt. It was clasped so tight that I'm pretty sure soon enough it would go numb and bruises would form around his hand. I could feel my mouth hurting and sting a little but he removed his hand before any more pain could happen to me as he realised his mistake.

No-one remembers me? Not my mum? Dad? Not even my friends? But my family, my everything, they were my all. My family and friends, how would I last without them? How on Earth would I last here. I guess I had to stay if going back meant I had no-one... no one at all. I could feel my eyes tearing up and my heart hurting and throbbing but that's when I realized his last sentence. "TWO DAYS, ASLEEP! TWO FLIPPING DAYS!"

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