Chapter 2

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As I drove home, that feeling got worse and worse. I passed the small diner on fifty third and saw a man who I recognized as Sam coming back out. I drive further and hit a stop light. Great I thought. The cars passed me without stopping, just like a normal day. But today didn't seem right; normal.

Suddenly, a man jumped out at me, and into my car. His long blond hair was in a pony tail and hazel eyes were stern. He was wearing a green shirt and jeans. I nervously glanced over at him. "What do you want?" My voice was wavering slightly.

"Drive. Go to the old warehouse on Fifteen." He ordered, his mouth pressing into a thin, white line. I would've guessed he was in his 30's, if it wasn't for the bags under his eyes.

"No." I said firmly, my voice shaking only a little. The man's eyes turned black, all black. It scared the hell out of me so I did what he wanted, bringing back bad old memories. I'm pretty sure that he's going to kill me. Just like those other kidnapees.

I drove out to that warehouse, the only warehouse that doesn't have anything around it. I'm going to die I thought again. Just like those other adults. I turned into the driveway of the warehouse and shut off my car. The man got out and forced me to get out as well. He grabbed my arm with a tight grip, pulling me passed the doors and into a chair, where he tied my hands behind my back and my feet to the chair legs. My middle was tightly tied up the the chair back.  There was no way it of this.

I looked around. There was a large steel cage behind me with about ten people. The missing ten people. The man must get information from them and then shove them in the cage... Or something a lot worse. But what is he after? I could see someone behind the man, hidden in the shadows, his face slowly inching away from the dark. Sam.

He put his finger to his lips, wanting me to be quiet. I nod minutely. He pulled a knife from his pocket and slowly walked toward me, the man hasn't noticed quite yet. The man turned around just as Sam tried to stab him. The man jumped away and knocked the knife out of Sam's hands. The man took a swing at Sam, but he ducked. He punched the man and drove his knee onto the man's stomach. The man fell to the ground, leaving just enough time for Sam to grab the knife.

"If you kill me, you'll have that lot to deal with." The man smirked, the blood on his teeth visible from where I'm sitting. Sam hesitated for a millisecond, but stabbed the man anyway. He turned orange, his skeletal bones visible, then was normal again. Maybe it was just my imagination, since that was a normal knife, a normal man... with strange eyes. Nothing was different. Sam ran over to me, his hand covered in blood where he stabbed the man.

"Are you okay?" Sam was untying me. I feel light-headed and dizzy. Was it from watching someone die? Or something else entirely? Like the near death experience? I didn't pass out... last time.

"What was that?" I asked, my words sluring as I fought off sleep. My eyelids grew heavier and heavier every passing second.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." Sam muttered as he finished untying me. He helped me up from the chair that I was forced into. He was grimacing from my question for some reason, a reason that I don't want to know.

"I doubt it." I whispered before the darkness overpowered me, winning at last. I swore, just for a second, I saw something green - like a candy apple green - before I blacked out completely.

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