Chapter 8

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I slowly woke up, blinking the sleep out of my eyes. My head was throbbing in a familiar headache, yet to be turned into a migraine. I noticed that I was in the backseat of the impala. Just like last time, Sam and Dean were arguing. "Did you see her? She was friggin' awesome... until that last chick beat the crap out of her."

"She'll end up like us, Dean! She should choose this life or we'll be just like dad! She doesn't even why her parents died." Sam counterargued. There was a sadness in his voice that made my heart throb.

"If you're fighting over me, have at it. But will you be quieter?" I said angrily. My head was pounding, and they weren't helping the matter. I groaned.

"Hey. You're awake. You feel okay?" Sam turned around in his seat to look at me. I shrugged nonchalantly.

"I feel like someone just beat the crap out of me." I said, sarcasm laced with my words. I smirked and sat up slowly. My vision spun, and I grabbed the back of Sam's seat to steady myself.

"Aww. She's just like you." Sam tells Dean mockingly. Dean rolled his eyes and stick out his tongue like the four year old he is. 

"Did you get all of them?" I asked, leaning closer to the brothers in the front seats.

"Yes. We're heading back to the hotel. We'll leave shortly." Dean said as he pulled into the hotel's parking lot. We got out and walked towards the door. Sam unlocked the door once again and we walked in. Dean tossed his car keys onto the table next to the door.

"Hey Sammy, go get us some food. I'm starving." Dean told Sam as he flopped onto his bed.

"I thought it was your turn!" Sam protested. Dean gave him a look, which took Sam a few seconds to decipher what it meant. He nodded before grabbing the keys where Dean had thrown them. "What do you want?" Sam asked me with a sigh.

"Bacon cheeseburger with fries." I reply. My favorite food, before things like pizza and mozzarella sticks. Mom always joked how I would live off of cheeseburgers if I could. And it was so very, very true. 

"Same for me, but I want pie." Dean said after Sam looked at him, a wide grin plastered across his face.

"It'll be a cold day in hell when you don't want pie." Sam muttered darkly as he left. Dean didn't seem to hear him. If he did, he gave no reaction.  He turned to me, dropping his smile slightly. He got up off of the bed and walked towards me.

"You know you fought like hell, right?" Dean told me, his grin growing wider - if that was possible. I could see his bright white teeth.

"I know. And I'm pretty sure I heard you say something along the lines of 'when we get out of here, I'm teaching you how to be a hunter. You've got guts. You know how to fight.'" I looked at the floor. I didn't like the fact that we were in a hotel room alone, with Dean's attention turned all towards me, but, then again, I kind of liked it; kind of liked him.

"I did. So... is that a yes? Will you, Mia Reyes, let me train you to be a hunter?" Dean drifted closer, close enough to kiss -

"To kill things that want to eat me?" I ask, Dean stopping in front of me and I wrap my arms around him."Only if you and Sam teach me." I whisper, smiling, my lips brushing up against his ear. He and I part and he hesitates for a second before kissing me. His lips were soft on top of mine. He puts his hand on my cheek as my hands find their way into his soft, silky hair. I suddenly felt dizzy. I break away from Dean and grab his shoulder for balance. I put my hand on my head, feebly trying to make the headache go away.

"You okay?" Dean's voice seemed far away, even though he was less a foot away from me. I grunt in response.

"Yeah. Fine. That girl must have hit me harder then I thought. I know she got some good ones in. And the head-butt thing I did, didn't make this better." I groaned, my head pounding in a way that I haven't had for as long as I can remember.

"Need aspirin? I could call Sam, have him pick up some." Dean asked, caution in his voice again, but not like when I met him. Maybe it wasn't caution, but concern?

"No. I'm fine. Seriously." The headache started to go away.

"You don't look like you're fine. Lay down, Mia." Dean grabbed my arm and pushed me onto his bed gently. I felt something wet hit my arm and looked down. Blood. I immediately checked my nose. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed Kleenex out of the small box. I tilted my head up and pinched my nose. I walked back to Dean.

"My nose is bleeding. Again." I tell him behind the tissues. He laughs and lays down on his bed. I punched him on the shoulder and moan in exaggerated pain. He rubs it, but he was still laughing.

"What's so funny?" Sam walked into the hotel room with two bags. He notices us on Dean's bed and raised his eyebrows.

"Nothing, Sammy. Nothing at all." Dean said, chuckling. I roll my eyes at the oldest Winchester and sit down.

"Doesn't seem like nothing to me. Why else would you have me get the food?" Sam said under his breath, again, no reaction from Dean. Sam hands Dean one of the bags and goes to sit down on his bed. Dean pulls out two bacon cheeseburgers, two small cup of fries, and a slice of apple pie. He hands me a bacon cheeseburger and a cup of fries.

I pull the tissues away from my nose. Good. It stopped bleeding. I take them and unwrap the cheeseburger. I bit into it and recognized it immediately. It was from Bell's Diner, a place that I rarely went to, but always loved. Dean glanced curiously at me.

I hadn't really realized how hungry I was, until I had a burger in front of me with fries. I suppose that's because I can't recall the last time I ate. I finished my fries as Dean starts on his pie. Sam ate his salad quietly, chewing the lettuce, a variety of other edible green plants, and tomatoes slowly.

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